National AMS Users Group Conference Held in Reston, VA

Written by gomembers, Inc.

[Herndon, VA] The National AMS Users Group (NAUG:, a membership organization dedicated to maximizing efficiency and usage of their gomembers’ AMS software solutions held their Annual Conference October 20-22, 2004 atrepparttar Sheraton Reston Hotel. This year’s conference featured speakers from Microsoft,repparttar 103792 Illinois Bankers Association,repparttar 103793 Society for Petroleum Engineers, and more, with formats including round table and panel discussions, as well as lectures. Topics were geared toward helping users recognize and implement changes to improve member services within their various organizations. Well attended,repparttar 103794 meeting attracted a large number of “first-timers” this year, as well as a large cross-section of other NAUG members. The attendees found this year’s format beneficial, as it encouraged more open discussions than ever before.

gomembers, Inc., (, a sponsor ofrepparttar 103795 event, is a major provider of association management software that providesrepparttar 103796 framework for running all aspects ofrepparttar 103797 non-profit association. “We are pleased that so many of our AMS users takerepparttar 103798 time to get together to further benefitrepparttar 103799 NAUG membership. This conference always gives us fresh insight and perspective into our customers’ needs, and help us focus our efforts appropriately. One of gomembers’ hallmarks of services is keeping up with our customers’ needs and encouraging their feedback. The NAUG Annual Meeting is one of our most important ways of hearing from our customers,” said Tom McGourty, gomembers’ Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Is Your Business Idea Feasible?

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

Is Your Business Idea Feasible? By Darrin F. Coe, MA 10/26/04

So you have a love for business, have a talent or skill you’re passionate about, and believe you’ve come up with a great business idea? Before you push forward you should consider doing a feasibility study to see whether you’re business idea is worth your time; whether you should just dumprepparttar idea; or whether you can modify your idea and make it profitable.

Study a specific business. – If you can spend some time working for a business that your idea closely resembles this is a great way to develop an idea of feasibility – Ifrepparttar 103791 business is regulated,repparttar 103792 regulatory agency will have public records that you can study – If you have friends inrepparttar 103793 business ask them if you can spend a day at work with them or spend some time interviewing them.

== sidebar == you perform a feasibility study to determine how much a project will cost and if it can be profitable. You gather facts, and add intuition. == sidebar ==

Your feasibility study should include a location study – consider where it is

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