NASD Brokerage Commissions

Written by William Cate

NASD Brokerage Commissions By William Cate Published June 2001 To contactrepparttar author: Visitrepparttar 112500 Beowulf Investments website: [] []

Investors pay a commission and a spread whenever they buy a NASD stock. This is true about stocks trading onrepparttar 112501 Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB). It's true of Nasdaq stocks.

NASD brokerage commissions can't exceed 5%. Investors are stampeding torepparttar 112502 Net to save on brokerage commissions. Few brokerage firms still charge 5%. However, Net traders pay less than 1% brokerage commissions.

What investors don't realize is that there's a spread. This isrepparttar 112503 commission charged by market makers. The NASD doesn't regulaterepparttar 112504 spread. It can be 25%. What difference does it make if an investor saves 4% on brokerage commissions and pays 25% onrepparttar 112505 spread?

Investors believe thatrepparttar 112506 Bid/Ask prices representrepparttar 112507 highest Bid and lowest asking price for any stock. In reality,repparttar 112508 Market Maker setsrepparttar 112509 Bid & Ask prices. The pricing structure benefitsrepparttar 112510 short term cash needs ofrepparttar 112511 Market Maker to make money. It's rare to have a Market Maker that trades a company's stock forrepparttar 112512 benefit ofrepparttar 112513 company orrepparttar 112514 public.

Let's assume thatrepparttar 112515 highest bid is one dollar in an OTCBB stock. The Market Maker can showrepparttar 112516 highest bid as seventy-five cents. Ifrepparttar 112517 lowest ask price is seventy-five cents,repparttar 112518 Maker makesrepparttar 112519 trade. However,repparttar 112520 bidder pays one dollar forrepparttar 112521 stock. The Market Maker keepsrepparttar 112522 quarter per share as their spread. The result isrepparttar 112523 buyer has paid over a 25% commission onrepparttar 112524 sale ofrepparttar 112525 stock.

Why Stock Support?

Written by William Cate

Why Stock Support? By William Cate Published April 1999 [] []

If investors won't buy your stock, you'll never find an IPO underwriter. Without an underwriter, your Public Company can't raise money. The underwriter's clients buy your stock withrepparttar expectation that it will appreciate. If investors don't buy your stock,repparttar 112499 underwriter's clients will lose their money. The underwriter will lose their clients. Underwriters refer to losing their clients as "Turning their Book." If they can't replace their lost clients,repparttar 112500 underwriters are out ofrepparttar 112501 brokerage business. It's for this reason that underwriters expect you to supportrepparttar 112502 share price of your public company.

When buying exceeds selling, your share price goes up. When selling exceeds buying, your share price goes down. Your Stock Support Plan should guarantee that buying exceeds selling.

If your private company is well known torepparttar 112503 investment community, you will have a "Hot Stock." Buying will exceed selling andrepparttar 112504 underwriter's clients will see share price appreciation. Companies like Microsoft, Netscape, or Solomon Brothers are examples of "Hot Stock" issues. The stock support problem for these companies is sustaining investor interest after their share price settles.

Your private company can be profitable. It should be in an industry currently popular with investors. Your stock support plan must attract investors based upon your company's fundamentals. Your investors must be prepared to buyrepparttar 112505 stock fromrepparttar 112506 day your company starts to trade. You must sustain buying at a share price aboverepparttar 112507 underwriter's Initial Public Offering (IPO) price.

Your private company may be a startup or unprofitable. If so, it must be in an industry currently popular with investors. Usually, you must supply part ofrepparttar 112508 underwriter's clients buying your IPO or Private Placement. Usually, this means that your family, friends and business associates will be required to buy 50% to 90% ofrepparttar 112509 IPO or Private Placement stock. You will be expected to ensure buyers at share prices aboverepparttar 112510 IPO or Private Placement share price.

Unless your company is a "Hot Stock."repparttar 112511 underwriter will ask you about your stock support plan. They may want you to supply some ofrepparttar 112512 buyers for your IPO or Private Placement. They will definitely want you to ensure a secondary market for your shares. If you can't support your share price, don't expect a financing. The need to supply secondary market stock buyers isrepparttar 112513 reason that promoters take more companies public than entrepreneurs.

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