My View

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Someone Asked ~ My View ~ So, here goes ...

My View?

Church Deacons stated they had voted for President Clinton (in spite of his anti-family pro-abortion stands) in hopes that Democrats could create a better economy. Family values outrepparttar window and even murder; how sick are we!?

My View?

Political parties wage their own wars, often caring more about power than what's in our best interest. And, we vote for these people!?

My View?

Renown people spend untold hours getting, financial and signature, support to lobby congress. Just think what might happen if they spent that time and energy reaching people for our Lord!

My View?

Others promote boycotting everything that isn't like us, hoping to hurt another's business, whether they have allrepparttar 101694 facts or not. Since when was it even 'the self-righteous thing to do' to destroy another's testimony?

The Only Way to Turn New Year Resolutions Into Reality!

Written by Devlyn Steele

So you ate, drank and spent too much overrepparttar Holidays. Now you are overweight, bloated, tired and broke, and you are promising yourself that you are going to change all that this year!

There are two reasons why New Year Resolutions don't work;

1st we try and take on too much, 2nd we don't believe in ourselves. Inrepparttar 101693 world of resolutions, "Size does matter". You can turn your resolutions into realities by starting small. Asrepparttar 101694 saying goes, "the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time!"

Atrepparttar 101695 start of each New Year we begin by looking at our life and deciding this isrepparttar 101696 year we are going to make real changes in weight, romance, smoking, drinking, career, money, getting in shape, organizing, cleaning and more. Well, we never followed through in allrepparttar 101697 other years, so as good as our intentions and desires are our subconscious is not expecting our resolution to come true. We have conditioned ourselves to doubt our ability to change. This core lack of belief triggers a lack of commitment to action andrepparttar 101698 result isrepparttar 101699 same year after year: not pursuing our goals with consistent action.

Well you have said it before, "This year isrepparttar 101700 year I _______!" Sound familiar? You have said it and you have not done it, but there is a way to make your goals materialize. Here is Coach Steele's abbreviated "Resolution Success System!"

Step One: Learn and use this Success System. One you learnrepparttar 101701 system you can applyrepparttar 101702 system over and over again with success in every area of your life. Concentrate onrepparttar 101703 system notrepparttar 101704 goal.

Step Two: "Pick one, and get it done" as a friend of mine is fond of saying. Make sure you are picking something that you really want to achieve. You can't lose weight, stop smoking, or get an education because someone else wants you to. If you really want something you will do what it takes.

Step Three: Reduce this goal to manageable pieces. Set goals that are what you believe you can achieve in one month. Remember size does count and focusing your energy on one goal to be accomplished in 30 days gives us something tangible. If you don't believe you can do it you won't be able to.

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