My Story Part 2Written by Wayne Lowe
After reading my last addition to I told a story about my break-up. The one person in my life that hurt me by dumping me cause he needed space! This is my other part. My break-up happened on Tuesday night. He then went out on Wednesday night and snogged some other guy, cause he thought I was going to do it. I NEVER did. I kept faithfull even though we were seperated and single, I thought it was respectfull to leave any meeting new people alone for a while. I would never have done that, but he dis-respected me and snogged a friend he saw in a club in Liverpool. He told me he had already had his number. My heart broke just by hearing this... Friday night was night we talked about our break-up, and he came to me asking for me back! We talked and now we are back together. He treated me like something he can just throw away and pick up when he wanted. Nows its OUR rules rather than just his. Because of pain and heart ache that I felt and im still going through made an impact on me, I've become a stronger person. He left me and needed his space, so he got what he wanted, then from friends advice, it took this pain and seperation to let him know if he missed me or not, and he did. Im greatful that I have him back. He was my one person I trusted and gave him something special from me that i can never have back, to which he will always keep. Im vulnerable when I least expect it, now I know better. Attachement is a bad thing, but not always. If you love someone, you feel you can depend on them to provide all love and attention you need, and this is was I wanted from him. A song by Kimberely Locke - 8th world wonder was my song for him, and now thanks to our talk, we are back together and it still makes me think of him. I feel safer than ever, as I have learnt a valuable lesson. Everyone around me supported me so much that I become stronger than I have ever been before. Im now taking control of my life, in way that I should have in first place... ... when you go into a relationship, first thing you MUST do is find your inner faith. Make sure your strong and loveable. I made mistake of not knowing who I was when I become love of someone else.
| | How To Choose Diamond EarringsWritten by Arthur Tschopp
Diamond beauty versus cost: What is best combination? Better quality diamonds are more brilliant and beautiful, but they command higher prices as well. This article explains how to find best value in diamond stud earrings: brightest diamond for lowest cost. For those who can afford it, we recommend an excellent cut diamond of G-H color and "eye-clean" clarity. This is a moderately priced diamond, but earrings of this quality will produce same dazzling shower of light as those costing thousands of dollars more. There are three simple reasons: first, it is excellent cut that breathes life and sparkle into a diamond. Second, most experts agree that a G-H color appears colorless when mounted, so spending more for D-E-F color diamonds isn't necessary. Third,a diamond of SI2 clarity is "eye-clean", meaning it has no flaws visible to naked eye, but costs a lot less than higher clarity grades. Excellent bargains with only a slight compromise in beauty can be found in I1 Clarity range as well, as long as cut is good and color is in G-H range. For those who are on a budget, don't feel embarrassed to buy diamonds of a lower quality. All diamond earrings sparkle when they are worn on a woman's ear, and let's face it: for same price, many women would rather wear 1 carat studs of a lower quality than 1/2 carat studs of a higher quality. Fast Fact: there are many good websites to purchase diamond stud earrings. Our top recommendation, however goes to a specialty site They sell same color, clarity and cut grades for about 25% less than typical "sale" price in a retail jewelry store (and other internet stores), and they back it up with a price comparison tool that allows you to view prices for earrings of same quality on many other major internet jewelry sites. You will also have security of their free insurance against loss of any kind for a full year. Choosing right Color: The finest diamonds are colorless, rare and expensive. On GIA grading scale, D-F are considered colorless, G-I near colorless and any grade J or below shows an increasingly yellowish tinge. Beyond preference for a whiter stone, however, color of a diamond does not affect its brightness or sparkle. Fast Fact: Most experts agree that, when mounted, diamonds in "G-H" range appear colorless, and represent a much better value than "D-F" stones which command significantly higher prices.