My Path to Self-publishing

Written by Matt McGovern

Last year, I completed my first novel--a 180-page fictional account of one man's personal journey of discovery in which he contemplatesrepparttar meaning of life and death. Writing this book was both a therapeutic exercise for me--allowing me to explore my own questions and thoughts onrepparttar 128704 subject matter--plus a bit of a business venture.

Could I actually publish a book and generate a passive income stream?

Shortly after finishing, I distributed a promo package featuring sample chapters and a synopsis to a hand-picked list of about 10 small to medium-sized publishers who accept non-agented work. I received four nibbles and two ofrepparttar 128705 publishers expressed genuine interest inrepparttar 128706 manuscript--so much so they requested to reviewrepparttar 128707 book in its entirety.

While this was an exciting time for me--this was also when I got my first behind-the-scenes glimpse atrepparttar 128708 publishing industry.

CH-CH-CHANGES I received generally strong feedback about my writing and story-telling ability, even praise forrepparttar 128709 uniqueness of my novel. But atrepparttar 128710 same time, this "uniqueness" was making it impossible for publishers to categorize my manuscript. They couldn't find a round hole in which to fit this square peg--was this mainstream fiction, spiritual material, speculation, all ofrepparttar 128711 above?

One publisher asked me to consider changes in order to move forward. Another saidrepparttar 128712 changes would be cost-prohibitive so they simply "passed," asking me to keep them in mind with my future efforts . . . and that's when I decided to "pass."

Seems that all those editors admonishing new writers to target a specific genre aren't kidding. If you write a book, they tell us, make sure you'll be able to find a readily-apparent home for it onrepparttar 128713 shelves of your local book store--or be prepared for a hard sell.

MONEY MATTERS To make matters worse, when I began to explorerepparttar 128714 finances of my book being published by a traditional publisher, I really became discouraged. It soon became clear that, unless I had a major bestseller on my hands, I wouldn't be seeing much--if any--profit. Even if it was a moderate success, this is what I was looking at as a "new" author: no advance and only 40% royalties onrepparttar 128715 wholesale price ofrepparttar 128716 book. If any money was to be made, it would be going torepparttar 128717 publisher--not me! So much for dreams of grandeur!

STICKING TO MY STORY Givenrepparttar 128718 personal nature of my book, I decided I could not and would not change it dramatically to better fit into a marketing "category." By this time, more than two dozen people had already read my manuscript--and I had received universal encouragement from them to get it published so that its message could be read by others. As expected, my decision to not change slammedrepparttar 128719 door shut onrepparttar 128720 publishing interest I had generated, so it was time to consider another path . . . and I landed onrepparttar 128721 path to self-publishing.

The Secret Ingredient to Your Writing

Written by Rob Parnell

Okay, so what do you need to succeed in your writing career?

To keep it simple, I would say just five things –repparttar first four are obvious enough butrepparttar 128702 last one may shock (and comfort) you.

Let's go through them in order:

Technical ability

This doesn't mean you have to be Saul Bellow or Toni Morrison before you start but it does mean that there is a certain level of competence expected of you before you begin showing your work torepparttar 128703 outside world.

But don't beat yourself up about it. It's an ongoing process; writers learn allrepparttar 128704 time. It's an attitude thing. As long as you're open torepparttar 128705 idea that you will need to improve your understanding ofrepparttar 128706 mechanics of writing, then you'll be well placed to absorb new ideas,repparttar 128707 teachings of others and learn through reading and study.


The past tells us that writers rarely have an easy path to immortality. We all must suffer rejection a thousand times it seems before we are ready forrepparttar 128708 public to recognize our efforts.

You may despair sometimes atrepparttar 128709 unfairness. You may be frustrated at every turn by a seemingly uncaring world but - remember this - all writers have been down this well traveled road andrepparttar 128710 best and most persistent arrive at their destination better equipped to endure - simply because it wasn't too easy.

Make 'never give up' your personal motto and you will succeed - it'srepparttar 128711 way ofrepparttar 128712 World.

A Little Bit of Talent

Anyone familiar withrepparttar 128713 content of my ebooks and courses will know my attitudes on talent.

Simply put, it's not some nebulous item that you can pluck out ofrepparttar 128714 air and consume. Neither is it some innate ability that onlyrepparttar 128715 chosen few can possess.

Rather it isrepparttar 128716 courage to 'tell it like it is' andrepparttar 128717 willingness to hold nothing of yourself back from your writing. You will find thatrepparttar 128718 more open and honest you are (however much it hurts)repparttar 128719 more people will describe you as talented and original.

This is because it's your vision ofrepparttar 128720 world that makes you unique - and unique is rare and therefore special.

Make it your goal to always tellrepparttar 128721 truth in your writing - let that be your talent.

A Little Bit of Luck

Onrepparttar 128722 radiorepparttar 128723 other day I listened to a Vocational Expert talking about careers. He'd studied 1000 people and was surprised at how many lives had been defined by seemingly chance events. He talked about allrepparttar 128724 things we're familiar with:repparttar 128725 opportune meeting, that phone call,repparttar 128726 time we were just following a whim,repparttar 128727 totally unexpected break.

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