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My Inner What? Claudette Rowley Copyright 2004
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." - Carl Jung
Many of my clients want to design a vision for their life or work that's truly compelling to them. I define a compelling vision as one that motivates you to push past your internal barriers to embrace what you deeply and fundamentally desire. This can be in any area of your life - work, relationships, health, spirituality or fun. Included in process of creating a compelling vision is giving yourself full permission to identify what you would LOVE to manifest in your life. You get to want what you want.
One of keys to selecting and implementing a vision - knowing what's right for you - is listening closely to your inner voice. Your inner voice is another name for your unique, internal wisdom - part of yourself that knows what is true and best for you. Although we are each born with this wisdom intact, it often gets swallowed in a sea of external voices, opinions and judgments.
Learning to hear your inner voice strengthens your ability to identify your compelling vision. Your access to this wisdom assists you in knowing if you are selecting biggest, most fulfilling vision for you. It guides you as you build vision and gives you direction when it becomes time to release or expand a vision. Here are three pathways to listening to your inner voice.
1. Tap into your heart's wisdom.
Social conditioning teaches us to be logical and "use our heads." When you only use your head, your experience of yourself and world is limited. You miss out on vital information from your emotions.
Benefits: The same neurological tissue found in brain is found in heart. The heart is a second "brain" and our emotional center. Listening to your head and your heart is crucial to good decision-making about your life, business, relationships, and vision.
New Focus: Put your hand over your heart and focus there - what is your heart's message?
2. Connect with your body.
Your body gives you a tremendous amount of useful information that you may not consciously perceive. For example, when your mother-in-law visits, does your stomach tie up in knots? When your boss yells at you, do your shoulders turn into stone? When you feel passionate and alive, does your chest feel warm and open? When we ignore body's messages, we lose valuable information designed to let us know what works for us and what doesn't.