My First Year In Cyber Space

Written by Michael Southon

My first year as a Cyberpreneur was a steeplearning-curve. I was an Anthropologist beforestarting an online business, so I had a lot to learn.But even if you were in offline-business before goingonline, you may still have to learn some new skills -online business is a whole new ball-game. Here aresome ofrepparttar things I learnt in my first year in CyberSpace:

(1) Be careful who you register your domain with.Some domain name registrars make it very difficult tochange your web host. I registered my first twodomains with a registrar that caused me more headachesthan I care to think about. When I needed to transferone of my domain names to a new web host, my originalemail address had changed. I was no longer able tosend them an email from that address and so I couldn'tauthenticate my request for domain transfer. So Itried to update my personal record with my new emailaddress. I got a message saying that I could onlychange my email address by sending an email from myoriginal email address (which no longer existed). Sothen I tried using my password. Again, I got a messagesaying that my request for transfer of domain mustcome from my original email address.

This bureaucratic nightmare went on for 4 weeks. Toadd to my frustration, I was communicating with amachine, not a human being. Byrepparttar 108969 end of that time Ihad no less than 35 computer-generated emails tellingme that my domain could not be transferred.

Finally, I sent my request for domain transfer in a5-page fax, including photocopy of my passport. Theythen sent me an email saying my request for domaintransfer could not be processed because my request wasnot on company letterhead. So I designed a letterheadand re-submittedrepparttar 108970 5-page fax. Finally, 6 weeksafter my first request, my domain was transferred.

To avoid this kind of experience I recommend you

Using their online Domain Manager, it took me lessthan 2 minutes to transfer my domain!

(2) A slow-loading index page is still one of themain reasons that online businesses lose customers.Surveys show thatrepparttar 108971 average surfer will wait no morethan 8 seconds for a web page to load before moving onto another website. So 'load-time' is a vitalconsideration when you choose a web host. Below is theURL of a web host directory that allows you to comparethe load-time of different web hosts:

Customer Service - The Key to Increased Customer Lifetime Value

Written by Mike Martone

Last month we discussed building credibility and trust at your website, so that visitors feel comfortable buying from you. That is half ofrepparttar battle. The more important part is increasingrepparttar 108968 lifetime value of each customer, that is, getting your one-time buyers to be repeat customers. There are many factors that go into this: marketing; product quality; andrepparttar 108969 consumable nature ofrepparttar 108970 product or service you sell. However, if you have poor (or non-existent) customer service, you can forget about repeat business.

Since none of us is running a large company (I assume) and don’t have much of a budget—if any—for customer service, all ofrepparttar 108971 tips and resources in this article are either free or low-cost. Customer service for small businesses is typically provided via sweat equity.

Ground Rules First, some common sense ground rules for providing good customer service: 1.The more ways you have to contact yourepparttar 108972 more assuredrepparttar 108973 potential and repeat buyer will feel in coming back to your site. We will look at many of these ways in this article. 2.Respond quickly! There is no point to having many methods of contacting you (e.g., email, chat, voice mail) and then fail to respond in a timely manner. It will just turn people off. Better to have less contact methods and be diligent in responding to issues or requests. 3.Be proactive. Since we want to minimizerepparttar 108974 amount of time spent with customer service (and so do our customers!), provide as many ways as possible to answer common questions and problems as possible. Obvious solutions to this are FAQs and email updates. 4.Ask customers how you’re doing. Get feedback about your customer service from those who use it. Arerepparttar 108975 FAQs comprehensive? How hard was it to get in touch? Did you get your problem solved? This will enable you to improve your service. You may have to offer a freebie to get people to respond. There are many free sites that provide surveys and polls for your website, including:;;;

Now that we have that out ofrepparttar 108976 way, let’s discussrepparttar 108977 common low-cost methods of customer service that we can use.

EMAIL Yes, this is an obvious one, and is a minimum requirement for every website. You should have a specific email address for support requests (typically I have all email to this address forwarded to my MS Outlook mailbox and I use filters to color it red. This way I can take a quick glance and see if anyone is requesting help.

FAX Some people like to use FAX, especially if they don’t want to send messages from their work email. You don’t need to own a FAX machine; you can get free FAX receive service that goes straight to your email. The two popular services are, and You will have to pay if you want to send faxes.

USER FORUM Inrepparttar 108978 old days it was called a bulletin board system (BBS), now they are user forums or groups. This is a great way to provide support, mostly because if you can get enough people to use it, your customers will help each other out! People will request answers to problems that others may have already had, and they can respond withrepparttar 108979 answer. However—you must make an effort to participate inrepparttar 108980 group and answer questions as much as possible, at least once a day. You can also post updates and message digests to common problems inrepparttar 108981 user group as well. The best place to start a group is at

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