Music and the Young Child

Written by Sherry Frewerd -

Having operated a successful Family Child Care in my home for over 10 years, I have had many opportunities to introduce various aspects ofrepparttar Arts to young children. Being naturally musical myself, providing a musical curriculum to my kids was a simple and obvious way to enhancerepparttar 135980 daily activities of my child care and my own children as well.

Children respond to music at a very young age. Nearly everyone can remember their mother or grandmother singing nursery rhymes to them as little children. I have vivid memories of swinging outside and singing ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ as loudly as I could just to hearrepparttar 135981 sound. With my own children I have always used music to calm and entertain them; singing softly to them inrepparttar 135982 rocker or energetically leading them in finger-plays and sing-a-longs. However you may choose to do it, singing or playing music with children gives them a beginnings of music appreciation, not to mentionrepparttar 135983 special memories that are created.

My son is a wild and wholly two-year-old, and greatly affected by his environment andrepparttar 135984 sounds and sights he encounters. Getting out of control is very easy with this little boy, and it’s up to me to find ways of calming him down and quickly distracting him and hopefully changing his mood. Music affects a child’s mood, and quiet, comforting music can relax an anxious child. It’s amazingrepparttar 135985 way my son reacts to his special CDs that he knows and enjoys. Often he’ll just stop what he is doing and I’ll see him stand and look towardrepparttar 135986 stereo and just sway and sing to himself.

Children will naturally relate movement with music giving themrepparttar 135987 opportunity to explore their own creative expression. They love to act out movements torepparttar 135988 songs such as moving aroundrepparttar 135989 room like different animals based onrepparttar 135990 type of sounds they hear. They can explore how their bodies move and their physical coordination begins to grow and develop as a result.

Review of "Biscuit Storybook Collection"

Written by Sherri Allen

Review of "Biscuit Storybook Collection" by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, illustrated by Pat Schories

Harper Festival, January 2005 Hardcover, 192 pages ISBN: 0060759046 Recommended Ages: Baby - Preschool

Review by Sherri Allen:

How can children's book publisher HarperCollins improve Alyssa Satin Capucilli's Biscuit series? By offering 10 of Biscuit's most endearing stories in one book. That's exactly what they've done withrepparttar "Biscuit Storybook Collection."

Biscuit is a sweet-faced puppy you want to grab right out ofrepparttar 135937 pages and cuddle. He andrepparttar 135938 little girl sharerepparttar 135939 simple joys of childhood, like getting ready for bed and having a picnic. They sharerepparttar 135940 excitement of adventures like being in a pet show and having a birthday party. They sharerepparttar 135941 ability to take things that don't turn out quite right and make them wonderful.

The "Biscuit Storybook Collection" isrepparttar 135942 perfect book to introduce a child torepparttar 135943 joys of reading. The large typeface, simple words and repetition makerepparttar 135944 stories easy to read. The sweet plots andrepparttar 135945 delightful illustrations by Pat Schories makerepparttar 135946 stories a joy to read. The pictures are very gentle, with soft lines and colors, but are full of expression and activity. They are very effective at creating interest and encouragingrepparttar 135947 beginning reader to keep going to find out what happens next.

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