Museum CollectionsWritten by Gayle Olson
Museums are places where collections are preserved and displayed. Visiting a museum is a terrific opportunity to learn more about art, science, technology, industry and our favorite hobbies and collectibles. Many museums offer educational programs, newsletters, libraries and guided tours to help visitors have a better understanding of collections. Museum exhibits teach us all about world we live in. We may not be able to travel world in search of treasures for our own collections. When we visit a museum we can enjoy collectibles and other objects which have been gathered from every part of world. How did museums start? The word "museum" comes from Greek word mouseion, which means "temple of Muses." The Muses were goddesses of arts whose lives were removed from cares of everyday life. One of first mouseion's was founded in Alexandria, Egypt in 3rd century B.C. Every sort of information which was of interest to scholars was collected. Scholars lived and did their research there. On display were objects of art, instruments used in astronomy and surgery, elephant tusks and hides of unusual animals. The Museum of Alexandria would today be known as a museum for scientific research. In Middle Ages, cathedral treasuries and monasteries stored collections of ornamented objects such as cups and goblets which were used during celebration of mass and book covers and treasures which were relics of saints or martyrs. The public could only visit during special holy days or for feast day of patron saint of church. It was during Renaissance that princes and noble families in Europe took a renewed interest in art and history. Many treasures were collected; objects made of gold, silver and other precious metals. Curiosities and objects from faraway places were collected. Wealthy families took great pride in collecting beautiful possessions. Private collections could be found all across Europe. From Denmark to Italy these private museos were visited by scholars, artists and other important people who were traveling continent. Some of these same treasures can still be seen in galleries of museums today.
| | Collecting Your Family TreeWritten by Gayle Olson
What is genealogy and a family tree? Genealogy is a hobby where you collect information about your ancestors, that is, everyone in your family that has lived before you. You collect vital statistics, such as when and where they were born, lived and passed away. From these clues you become a master detective and learn all about their lives. Each family member is like a piece in a puzzle. As you collect and record family stories, pictures and documents, a fascinating tale of your history reveals itself. Building a family tree can be a life-long hobby for you. Maybe, one day, you'll have a granddaughter or grandson to pass this family treasure on to. Just like your ancestors, generations which follow you can read about, and enjoy your very interesting history! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started The best place to start is with family members you know best. The very first person on your family tree is your immediate family, mom and dad, brothers and sisters, and of course yourself!