Muscle And Fitness -- The Third and Final Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Written by Tony Farrell

Before delving into Muscle And Fitness – The Second Key,repparttar final and most important key to success in your muscle and fitness routine, I'd like to remind you about whatrepparttar 141249 previous article discussed.

In a previous article, you were given a number of steps to follow. If you haven't received this article, I suggest you read that before reading this one here, as it will make what I'm talking a

little more clear. You can access that article here:
The HAVE Key

In summary, Muscle And Fitness – The Second Key isrepparttar 141250 'DO' key. This is where you structure your actions to take you to your goals. You must decide which action (Exercise) isrepparttar 141251 most effective tool to help you achieve that particular goal.

Which brings me torepparttar 141252 third and final key:

The 'BE' Key

This is what you must BECOME in order to ensure that you takerepparttar 141253 necessary action to DO whatever it takes to get what you want to HAVE.

You already know what your goals are – The HAVE key

You already know what you have to DO to achieve those goals – The DO key

In order to make sure that you carry outrepparttar 141254 DO key (your chosen exercises), you must BErepparttar 141255 type of person that consistently and persistently followsrepparttar 141256 routine. You must do this without fail, so that you can haverepparttar 141257 ideal muscle mass, weight loss, fitness goal or whatever your goal is.

How do you become someone that you are not?

By not giving in!

Lets say that you have a chosen goal. Lets assume that goal is to lose 28lbs byrepparttar 141258 end of three months. What do you have to be in order to make sure that you achieve that goal of 28lbs of weight loss?

You have your goal. You have your exercise routine sorted out that isrepparttar 141259 most effective way, for you, of achieving that goal. Now it's time to guarantee that you don't stop after a week or so.

Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Written by Tony Farrell

Lets discuss Muscle and Fitness -- The Second Key To Successfully Achieving Your Fitness Goals. But just before that, I'd like to remind you about whatrepparttar previous article discussed.

In a previous article called: "Muscle and Fitness -- The First Key To Achieving Your Goals", you were given ten steps to follow. If you haven't received this article, I suggest you read that before this one here, as it will make what I'm talking a little clearer.

You can access that article here:

In summary, that article discussedrepparttar 141248 first key --repparttar 141249 'HAVE' key. This is where you identify your muscle and fitness goals.

There are stillrepparttar 141250 'BE' and 'DO' keys to go. Which brings me torepparttar 141251 second key --

The 'DO' Key:

This isrepparttar 141252 action key. The one that gets you to do what is necessary to make things happen.

So what you need to do is first identify what your goals are. Decide exactly what you want to achieve and then chooserepparttar 141253 necessary actionable steps to achieve those goals.

Inrepparttar 141254 first key,repparttar 141255 HAVE key, you went through a process that helped (or will help) you in deciding what you want. Maybe it was to lose weight or gain mass muscle, or whatever.

The point is that you know what you want to get out of your training routine before commencingrepparttar 141256 routine that suits your goals.

Assuming you have gone throughrepparttar 141257 HAVE key, it's time to go throughrepparttar 141258 DO key and structure your bodybuilding workout routine, or fitness routine, around your goals.

So lets do that, shall we?

1. Reviewrepparttar 141259 work you did inrepparttar 141260 HAVE key. In other words, look atrepparttar 141261 index card (postcard) you created that identified your exact goals.

2. Read them. As you do so, feel them. Imagine performing a specific exercise that would be most beneficial for that particular goal. See it happen, as if it is actually happening.

What exercise would berepparttar 141262 most effective one in helping you achieve that specific goal?

Once you have decided which exercise to use, write it down.

3. Now move ontorepparttar 141263 next goal on that card. Go throughrepparttar 141264 motions that you just did in number two above. Feel it. See it.

How good do you feel?

Now, which exercise will be most effective for that specific goal?

Write it down just belowrepparttar 141265 first one.

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