Moving without a job? Here's now!

Written by Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Q. For my next move, I am relocating to Greatville to be near my family. I've been told to wait till I move before job-hunting -- but I'm nervous about moving without a job.

A. You are absolutely right to be nervous. Moving without a job gives yourepparttar thinnest identity of all. Banks and landlords like to see a number inrepparttar 101712 block marked "Salary." And socially you're identified by that "What do you do" question.

1. If you're entry level, you may have to move without a job. But if you're senior, companies may conduct national searches to fill your position. They may not give preference to local hires.

2. Before you start packing, identify what's available by talking to people who actually live inrepparttar 101713 community. Don't rely on stereotypes ("Oh they have everything there!). Sure, you may be moving to a big city, butrepparttar 101714 style of doing business may create unexpected barriers for someone with your background.

Planning on Doing Some International Travel Over the Holidays?

Written by Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach

[shudder]. No really, a little EQ - managingrepparttar attitude, and usingrepparttar 101711 ole noggin' can make it almost pleasant!

1. Pack your patience and your Emotional Intelligence.

Turn downrepparttar 101712 emotions, turn uprepparttar 101713 forethought. Example - research your destination onrepparttar 101714 Internet prior for websites where individuals (not paid interests) can tell you what you can ^anticipate^.

2. Pre-arrange everything you possibly can – air, hotel, car, restaurant, attractions, plays. 3. Make copies of your passport, traveler’s checques, credit cards, itinerary, and airline tickets.

Carry one copy with you and leave one copy with your designated emergency-contact.

4. Carry with yourepparttar 101715 address and phone number of your country’s embassy (consulate) for each country you’ll visit.

5. Take any regular medication in your hand luggage and be sure you have more than enough for your trip. (Remember needles and scissors can’t be in hand luggage.)

6. Checkrepparttar 101716 US State Dept. advisories,, before your go for immunizations, hazards and other pertinent information;repparttar 101717 Overseas Security Advisory Council,, andrepparttar 101718 Transportation Security Administration site,

7. You'll know you'll be waiting, so use your EQ and figure out how to make it A Good Thing.

· Use e-ticket and online checkin when you can. · Bring along that book you’ve been meaning to read · Bring a pre-paid phone call and catch up with buddies · Bring a neck pillow and plan to catch up on your rest · Dress appropriately for sitting or lying around an airport for a long time – loose clothing that can be abused

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