Moving Your Pets

Written by Oleg Glukhov

Are you going for a trip? Do not forget about your pets!

You are responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. © No matter whether you are bringing with you a tiny white mouse or a huge toothy crocodile, that?s one of your first and important obligations to make their journey as comfortable as yours. Here are some useful hints to get both you and your loved ones to your new abode, safe and sound.

Before You Leave?..

Just try to keep your pet?s regular routine right up tillrepparttar moment you need to go. For example, if you usually go for a mornng walk or serve a bowl of their delicious favourite food, do not break this daily tradition. Do not forget to take a pack of their regular food. A common mistake made by pet owners is to bring "special snacks" and treats as comfort food, but this can leave to quite negative effect, resulting in diet disruption and leading to your pet?s nausea or diarrhea. One more importatant thing in your preparations for your future journey is your pet?s medical records. Check if their up-to-date and bring copies with you. To make your pet feel smooth, purchase a sturdy and comfortable transport carrier.

Travelling by car

This form of transportation least likely upsets your pets. Cats should always be kept in a carrier during auto travel. With dogs, you haverepparttar 146698 option of using a restraining harness, available in most pet supply stores. Make sure to stop frequently to allow your pet to exercise and relieve itself (a good rule of thumb is to pull over every two hours). Cats can benefit fromrepparttar 146699 use of a harness and a litter box on long trips. As always, never leave your pet unattended in a parked car (or inrepparttar 146700 cargo hold of a moving van).

Baby massage: A Cure for Colic

Written by Lucy Curran

Colic hurts. Any parent who has an affected child will know that there is almost no pain like it –repparttar physical and vocal response torepparttar 146697 problem can be highly tiring and its very difficult to stand by and cope as a parent. It’s often tough to ask – whatrepparttar 146698 hell is going on inside my baby?! Whenrepparttar 146699 problem arises, as it’s so common and many health visitors expect parents to be aware ofrepparttar 146700 nature ofrepparttar 146701 affliction and how to deal with it. The fact is: NOBODY knows what colic is, it was thought for a time to be a intestinal problem, and related to trapped wind, butrepparttar 146702 only thing that evenrepparttar 146703 medical profession know aboutrepparttar 146704 cause of such pain is that is causes up to three hours of crying a day, for more than three or four days a week. Your baby isn’t alone either: 20% of children, males and females, suffer colic as infants; usually when they are but a few months old. Apart fromrepparttar 146705 application of gripewater: a, shall we say, interestingly flavoured product; there was for many, many years no cure for this elusive problem…. Until now… Many parents instinctively rub their children when they are in pain. We all know that, just as we need to massage our limbs when we get cramp, they need physical stimulation so that blood flow and wind movements can be righted. Baby massage allows for intense and structured contact with colic afflicted babies – and has been accredited torepparttar 146706 dissolution problem completely. Flowing fromrepparttar 146707 head torepparttar 146708 toes, this specialist form of massage sees babies have full, much needed skin to skin contact with their caregiver; a soothing prospect for those suffering pain. A particularly encouraged technique for parents of colicky babies isrepparttar 146709 stomach massage, which seesrepparttar 146710 masseuse rubrepparttar 146711 babies belly in a gentle, circular motion beneathrepparttar 146712 rib cage, an action that encouragesrepparttar 146713 correct movement of digested food throughrepparttar 146714 body.

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