Moving Your Pet

Written by dan the roommate man

Getting throughrepparttar emotional stress of moving is difficult enough for adults and children. But what about pets, a species with whom we can't even level? Pet owners are often baffled by their pets' behavior during and after a move. Sometimes it's a personality change, a regression in housebreaking habits or a sudden unexplained illness. Even if you don't notice something that dramatic, there's no question that your faithful companion is feeling stress. How do you move your pet and keeprepparttar 110456 strain to an absolute minimum -- both to yourself and your beloved pet?

If you're planning a cross-country move by air, callrepparttar 110457 airlines first -- before you make any reservations -- and find out which ones allow pets as "animal passengers." Approximately 750,000 pets make airline trips every year. Most ofrepparttar 110458 major airlines, such as American, Delta, Continental and Northwest, will allow animal passengers provided outdoor temperatures are within a certain range. Pets may be brought on board with their owners as "carry-on baggage," or placed withinrepparttar 110459 cargo section of plane as "checked baggage," weather permitting. Airlines also have established regulations regardingrepparttar 110460 number of pets permitted per flight, both on board and inrepparttar 110461 cargo section; as well as number of pets permitted per passenger; and size and weight limitations for carry on and checked baggage. If at all possible, book a direct flight to avoidrepparttar 110462 additional stress of plane changes.

If you're contemplating having your pet travel inrepparttar 110463 cargo section ofrepparttar 110464 plane, you may want to consider first that because this area is inrepparttar 110465 belly ofrepparttar 110466 plane, you won't have access to your pet at any time duringrepparttar 110467 flight. Whilerepparttar 110468 cargo area is both heated and pressurized, this area isn't lit, so unless you tranquilize your pet first,repparttar 110469 experience is likely to be traumatic. And you should note thatrepparttar 110470 safety of some varieties of tranquilizers has been questioned. These substances can have a dramatically different effect upon your pet at high altitudes.

The federal Animal Welfare Act definesrepparttar 110471 guidelines forrepparttar 110472 transportation of animals by air, ground and water; however, as an added protection, some airline carriers take a particularly strict approach and require passengers to submit a certificate of acclimation form signed by their veterinarians, permittingrepparttar 110473 animal to be in temperatures below 45 degrees; as well as an interstate health certificate.

Making Sense of Your Lease

Written by dan the roommate man

Reading over a lease can be nerve racking. You have to scrutinize every clause in order to make sure you will be comfortable in your apartment, but how can you do that when it seems like it's written in another language?! According torepparttar Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Office of Residential Services, leases are written in another language... or at least a language of another century. "Leases were developed in medieval Britain and some ofrepparttar 110455 language used in them dates from that time, much torepparttar 110456 confusion and mystification of modern tenants."

In order to make leases easier to understand, WPI redefined many ofrepparttar 110457 potentially confusing terms.

ARREARS: Overdue rent

ASSIGN: Transferrepparttar 110458 unexpired portion of a lease to a new tenant

CAUSE OF ACTION: Specific situation that may becomerepparttar 110459 basis for a lawsuit

CIVIL: A non-criminal legal matter. Housing disputes are generally handled in civil courts

COVENANT: Promise. Independent covenant: You must perform your obligation even ifrepparttar 110460 other party does not. Dependent covenant: You carry out your obligation onrepparttar 110461 condition thatrepparttar 110462 other party fulfills its obligation

DEFAULT: To forfeit or lose by omission; to fail to perform a legal obligation

DEMISED PREMISES: The place being rented

DETAINER: Withholding another's property against his or her will

DISPOSSESS: Remove a person from land;repparttar 110463 legal action brought for nonpayment of rent

DISTRAINT (proceed by distress): The landlord takes your personal property to force you to pay or eventually sells it to get his or her money

EJECTMENT: Physical or legal eviction from land

EMURE: To take effect

ENJOYMENT: Possession or occupation of land. Quiet enjoyment: freedom from invasion of privacy by landlord

EVICTION: Depriving a person of possession of occupancy. Constructive eviction: not actually removing a tenant but making it impossible for him or her to remain because ofrepparttar 110464 conditions, such as serious deterioration

GOODS AND CHATTELS: Personal property

INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS: To free from any responsibility or liability

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