Movement That Matters: Exercise With a Greater Purpose

Written by Gillian Hood-Gabrielson

You’ve seenrepparttar commercials – “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” While this has been a topic of many jokes and late-night comedy skits,repparttar 115311 reality is falling is a very real danger for many people. Too often falls can lead to broken bones, hospitalization, and sometimes life-threatening illnesses due to being confined to a bed while recovering.

A less extreme, but still real situation is when a person lacksrepparttar 115312 leg strength to get out of a chair. Or someone who throws out their back just picking up a child orrepparttar 115313 groceries fromrepparttar 115314 trunk ofrepparttar 115315 car.

Did you know that this is not inevitable? With consistent and effective exercise, you will maintain your daily activities without injury well into your sixties, seventies, eighties, and beyond.

You may have heardrepparttar 115316 buzzwords “functional training” and “core training” mentioned inrepparttar 115317 latest fitness magazines. While these terms sound complicated, they are really terms forrepparttar 115318 most effective and exciting system of strength training being used today.

Functional training strengthens your body forrepparttar 115319 everyday movements it has to perform. This could be any type of movement, whether for a sport, your job, or just picking up your kids. Most injuries occur inrepparttar 115320 course of our everyday lives. Strengthen your body for these activities and you will sustain less injury. Functional training also improves balance. This is essential for preventing falls. A combination of strength and balance will give yourepparttar 115321 confidence to move through your day with ease!

Core training works on strengthening your “core”, your abdominal and low back muscles. Just as a house needs a foundation to build upon, so does your body. Work onrepparttar 115322 core first and every other exercise you add will be more effective and make you stronger. Many functional training exercises incorporate core training. There are also exercises that isolaterepparttar 115323 core for maximum benefit. Core training isrepparttar 115324 idea behind Pilates and is also used in yoga.

The Eight Week Cholesterol Challenge

Written by Barrett Niehus

The Eight Week Cholesterol Challenge

by Barrett Niehus

When I first started down this path I was looking for something to reduce my cholesterol levels without giving me a heart attack. My doctor recommended Lipitor, but I had read an article inrepparttar American Heart Associations web site that indicated Lipitor and other statin drugs may possibly be worse for me than my high cholesterol. (The article that I read is here: )

Subsequent research led me to two compounds that have been clinically proven to improve cholesterol levels without side effects. Being a chemical engineer myself, I was skeptical about any claim that did not have sufficient research behind it. However,repparttar 115310 two compounds that I found have been clinically verified to be effective in improving cholesterol levels. It was these two compounds that have dramatically changed my condition, and motivated me to solicit this challenge.

What arerepparttar 115311 two compounds? Well,repparttar 115312 first is niacin. That’s right,repparttar 115313 inexpensive mineral that is occasionally listed onrepparttar 115314 food label of our bread, breakfast cereal, sports drinks, or other enriched food. The other compound is pantethine. Strangely enough, pantethine is a compound that our body makes as it created Co-Enzyme A which eventually creates cholesterol.

Between these two chemicals, extensive research has demonstrated dramatic, statin-like, effects on cholesterol levels. In addition, because they are already needed by your body,repparttar 115315 two compounds don’t createrepparttar 115316 dangerous side effects that have been demonstrated with statins.

The two compounds act together to balance outrepparttar 115317 levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and good (HDL) cholesterol in your blood stream. Clinical trials have demonstrated that niacin is effective in reducingrepparttar 115318 level of bad cholesterol in your blood stream. In addition, clinical trial on pantethine in Japan have demonstrated thatrepparttar 115319 compound significantly improvesrepparttar 115320 level of good (HDL) cholesterol in your blood stream. Subsequently,repparttar 115321 combination ofrepparttar 115322 two may have an amazing effect on your overall cholesterol level.

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