More on Vector Graphics

Written by Nashville

According torepparttar blog entitled “Vector Graphics” which was posted by Neil last December 2, 2004 at,repparttar 107373 author mentioned that he just found this program called InkScape which appears to be an open source vector drawing program.

Inkscape is a program for viewing, creating and editing 2D vector drawings. It is an open source Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor with capabilities similar to Illustrator, CorelDraw, Visio and other drawing programs. Its supported SVG features include text, paths, layers, ellipses, gradients, grouping, rectangles, transforms, basic shapes, node editing, bitmap images, alpha blending, svg-to-png export, freehand curves, and many more. And, as an added bonus, both vector and bitmap objects can have alpha transparency and can be arbitrarily transformed. Graphics can also be printed and exported to png bitmaps.

“Vector" drawing in InkScape means that when you create a shape like a rectangle, it retains its identity. You can easily go back and resize it, change its color, or move it around without disturbingrepparttar 107374 rest ofrepparttar 107375 drawing. One of Inkscape's distinguishing features is that it stores its drawings in a web-friendly XML format –repparttar 107376 SVG format – which is a standard that is gaining support worldwide, in proprietary and public software alike. The open source community is now adopting this format for everything from desktop icons and company logos to web page animation and artistic illustration.

Blending Colors

Written by Nashville

When you are familiar with software applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Flash and other drawing programs, I know you are also very much familiar withrepparttar swatches. Swatches contain selection of different colors that you can use duringrepparttar 107372 creation of your web design, graphic design, and animation. Know what, we have a new innovation in these swatches. This isrepparttar 107373 so-called Color Blender.

According torepparttar 107374 blog entitled “Color Blender” which was posted by Neil last October 27, 2004 at,repparttar 107375 author mentioned that this Color Blender allows you to take two colors and see blends of up to 10 different ones from which you can get their HTML Hex codes.

How can you do it? It’s actually as simple as 1-2-3. The following procedures were also mentioned inrepparttar 107376 said article. First, you need to pick a color value format, input two valid CSS color values in the

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