More Than Facial Exercise...Facialbuilding!

Written by Deborah Crowley

How did you get started in FlexEffect?

I began teaching Facial Exercise in 1976. At that time, Isometrics wererepparttar only form of facial training known torepparttar 129886 public. A year later, still teaching Facial Isometrics, I became interested in weightlifting and soon after stepped into competitive bodybuilding. This move called for a marked reduction in body fat. Consequently, this loss of fat had an aging effect on my face. As a Facial Trainer this was not an acceptable trade-off!

I had no intention of giving up bodybuilding, but determined to remedy my dilemma. On a hunch that resistance training could add fullness to my face inrepparttar 129887 same way it did to my body, I decided to convert each Isometric exercise into an exercise using resistance. This wasrepparttar 129888 beginning of 'Facial Resistance Training' Est.1979

Knowing what it took to increase muscle density (fullness), I knew resistance training would be far more aggressive thanrepparttar 129889 facial training I had been doing. This took a lot of nerve on my part since I, too, had been duped into thinking any handling ofrepparttar 129890 face could prove detrimental. When I described my new training technique, which I later dubbed ‘FlexEffect’ as ‘an extension of bodybuilding’ or ‘facialbuilding’, fellow trainers thought I was out of my mind. Frankly, I wasn’t so sure they weren’t on to something.

Much to my relief, my hunch paid off. A very short time proved facial muscles to be every bit as responsive to resistance training asrepparttar 129891 rest ofrepparttar 129892 body. My face was still thin, but withrepparttar 129893 extra lift and firmness, I went from gaunt to a healthier more athletic look.

Who would benefit?

Everyone. A better question would be: who would getrepparttar 129894 most out of it? The answer to this question isrepparttar 129895 person who starts early, beforerepparttar 129896 signs of aging set in. For them, time stands still. However,repparttar 129897 majority of testimonials reporting excellent results are not fromrepparttar 129898 early birds; they are fromrepparttar 129899 late starters -- men and women ages 45, 50 and up.

Would you say FlexEffect is better than a surgical face-lift?

FlexEffect is not a magic bullet. There are those with such sun damage and advanced facial aging that they may never be able to achieve all they hope for in training. But that doesn’t mean they can’t get allrepparttar 129900 benefits that only training can offer.

Cosmetic surgery can alleviate lines and sag but it cannot replacerepparttar 129901 fullness ofrepparttar 129902 face. In most cases surgery flattensrepparttar 129903 face, which is why so many women have cheek implants inserted atrepparttar 129904 time of their surgery. The exact opposite is true of facialbuilding. FlexEffect does a beautiful job replacing fullness, considered to berepparttar 129905 most youthful feature ofrepparttar 129906 face.

Those who start facialbuilding while their face is still firm could expect to eraserepparttar 129907 need for surgery indefinitely. Many late starters with an excessive amount of sun damage and sag may still find they get enough return from their training to forego a major facelift.

Great Things Materialize Once We Start to Visualize

Written by Greg Reid

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Great Things Materialize Once We Start to Visualize

Watchingrepparttar 129883 Olympics last week really amazed me. The feats of strength were fantastic, andrepparttar 129884 drama ofrepparttar 129885 events themselves was captivating. But what really maderepparttar 129886 biggest impact was being reminded of something we all know or have learned inrepparttar 129887 past, and yet rarely put into action for ourselves:repparttar 129888 art of visualization.

Now, I’m not talking about some deep Buddhist trance. I’m talking more alongrepparttar 129889 lines of visualizing in our mindsrepparttar 129890 actions we wish to take,repparttar 129891 things we’d like to have, or evenrepparttar 129892 personal relationships we desire in clear detail, before they actually appear.

It simply dumbfounded me to realize that all of these athletes spent time visualizing in their minds their entire routine, race, or event before they began their quest. I could see it in their eyes,repparttar 129893 way they were visualizing each step, every turn, before they took a deep breath and ventured out into history.

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