More Powerful Tips To Help You Become A Highly Effective Speaker/Presenter

Written by Gabriel Daniels

[NOTE: This article is meant to serve as a "Bonus" forrepparttar article, How To Be Confident And Relaxed When Speaking Before A Group Of People (Powerful Tips To Help You Become A Highly Effective Speaker/Presenter). To access that particular article, just go to: ]

1. Allow your arms to move freely and naturally. (Avoid pre-planning your gestures.)

In other words, avoid "consciously" saying inside, "I will move my arms this way now. That's what's appropriate at this point." Just allow your arms to move or gesture naturally. Avoid being conscious of them.

You can sometimes tell when your gestures don't look natural to others. Your listeners will look at your arms or hands in a certain way (since their subconscious mind will detect something wrong or unnatural)—and sometimes, they won't even know that they are doing it. In other words, they will have been distracted unnecessarily for a few seconds.

When you just allow your arms to flow freely and naturally as you speak, or as you are making a point, peoples' eyes will be glued to your eyes or facial area...and not to your arms or hands.

2. As much as possible, avoid reading your speech verbatim (or word-for-word).

Instead, write down key words (the main points of your speech) to serve as reminders, inrepparttar 101315 order in which you will present them. Then just surrender torepparttar 101316 moment. Trust your mind to deliver. Your speech will sound more natural, just like a typical conversation.

3. Ask with extreme confidence.

When askingrepparttar 101317 audience to do something (ex. askingrepparttar 101318 audience to stand up, raise their hands, etc.), do it with extreme confidence...and not in a weak or embarrassed sort of way. Do it in such a way that they feel you expect them to follow...and that it is only right for them to do so.

For example, when you askrepparttar 101319 audience to giverepparttar 101320 next speaker a warm welcome, berepparttar 101321 first to clap your hands. The audience will naturally follow because they perceive you as being in charge. Besides, you're only asking something that's appropriate and reasonable.

4. Move in such a way that you don't appear rushed or anxious.

Take your time when you move. Avoid appearing rushed. (When something falls onrepparttar 101322 floor, slowly and naturally pick it up as if it were not a big deal. Or if something goes wrong withrepparttar 101323 sound system or lighting, don't panic. Deal with it in a calm and professional manner. In other words, don't allow anything to distract you and negatively affect your composure.)

Remember, what matters most is how you handle yourself under pressure (or when something unexpected happens). When you remain composed no matter what happens, your audience will perceive you as a leader worthy of their respect. By your ability to stay in charge of situations, they will be even more receptive to what you have to say.

I mean, how would you feel if something unexpected happened, andrepparttar 101324 first to panic wasrepparttar 101325 speaker? For example, if he wasrepparttar 101326 first to run outrepparttar 101327 door as soon asrepparttar 101328 building's fire alarm went off? (What's worse is if it was only a false alarm.) Would you still respectrepparttar 101329 speaker, or haverepparttar 101330 same degree of respect forrepparttar 101331 speaker, although prior to his panicking, he was interesting (and composed)? Of course not.

Or if a mouse came out of nowhere andrepparttar 101332 speaker jumped up on a nearby table, screaming, "Get it out of here! Get it out of here!"...would you still haverepparttar 101333 same positive feelings forrepparttar 101334 speakerrepparttar 101335 way you did just prior to that shameful incident? Of course not.

Get It Done-OR 3 Ways To Advance Your Goal

Written by Janice Hoffmann


“Beginning withrepparttar end in mind isrepparttar 101314 endowment of imagination . If you arerepparttar 101315 programmer, writerepparttar 101316 program”, says, goal expert- Stephen R. Covey. Goals help us to focus, andrepparttar 101317 quality of our attention is enhanced by a having a project so cool and interesting that we can’t help but make a leap. Let’s say, you want to organize your workspace so that everyone is inspired to do their best work. The in-between steps: like ergonomic concerns & planning comfortable lighting, in-and-of itself can seem mundane, but joined together they name a bigger accomplishment and by doing so, asks us to spice up our expectations & upgrade who we are. Focus on success & keep in mind how you want things to end up--And you’ll soon enough be successful.

a. namerepparttar 101318 accomplishment

b. give your project a title

c. identify upbeat reasons for pursuing your goal

d. what needs to be done by when

e. how would you like things to end up

2. RAISE THE BAR-OR SHOOT FOR THE MOON Define greatness, challengerepparttar 101319 limits, doublerepparttar 101320 goal, or try something new...These are just some ofrepparttar 101321 sentiments that put our plans into action and move us towards revolutionary results. Look around and you can seerepparttar 101322 the very essence of commonplace activities being tested and re-imagined. Such as schools re-defining Physical Education by bringing in activities “ranging from kickboxing to more esoteric offerings like tai chi and yoga”. And withrepparttar 101323 introduction of Blogs an international conversation is in full swing with millions of links and a central clearing house inspired by immediacy, intrigue and tension. Raisingrepparttar 101324 bar on a project can simply mean taking one extra step, having an allegiance to a weird idea, or devoting to a regular practice. Commit to a goal in a meaningful way, personalize it & make it your own, and then watch an otherwise sleepy project wake up and give way to a new found energy, creativity and distinction .“Shoot forrepparttar 101325 moon. Even if you miss, you'll land amongrepparttar 101326 stars."

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