Monitoring Customer Satisfaction on the Web

Written by Daryl Clark

If you have an e-commerce site, you need to know if you customers are satisfied. Unlike a brick and mortar business, it is very hard to monitor customer satisfaction onrepparttar web. If your business is Internet only or if it is a brick and mortar business, customer satisfaction has to be a priority or else your business will fail!

If you don't physically seerepparttar 109085 customer, how can you tell if they are satisfied? One ofrepparttar 109086 best methods I have found, is to userepparttar 109087 free services of (*)

After you have filled out their on-line application and your web site is approved, sends you some simple HTML to paste into your receipt page. This HTML offers customers a chance to win a prize if they fill out a short survey about their shopping experience. Customers will rate your company and your web site using a 1-10 scale onrepparttar 109088 following parameters of satisfaction:

* Overall Rating * Ease of Ordering * Product Selection * Product Information * Price * Web site Performance * On time Delivery * Product Representation * Customer Support * Order Tracking * Shipping & Handling

Having this type of feedback is essential to continuously improving your operations. Bizrate provides yourepparttar 109089 feedback weekly inrepparttar 109090 form of a customer approved survey link that is posted on your web site.

Smart Ways To Use A Website With Your Business

Written by Ron Sathoff and Kevin Nunley

Every business needs a web site. We used to say that to business owners and get strange looks in return. "Why do I need a web site?"repparttar manager of a pizza restaurant once asked.

Of course, we now see a very large number of customers looking up their neighborhood pizza maker with search engines. They will try Yahoo or HotBot before turning torepparttar 109084 more traditional Yellow Pages. The restaurant owner no longer wonders why he should be online.

As more and more businesses get their own web sites, we're seeing a number of very smart ways to integrate an online presence with your existing business. Here arerepparttar 109085 top five ways.

1. Your web site gives customers a way to quickly search through your big selection. If you have an auto parts store, you may have many square feet of products to choose from. You may have hundreds more items that can be ordered and delivered quickly.

Inrepparttar 109086 past, it might have been difficult for customers to easily find what they were looking for, or even be aware that you could get it for them.

Your web site makes it easy to type inrepparttar 109087 name of a product, then see those products with descriptions and your prices. There are a number of fine online catalog software applications. If your selection isn't Walmart-sized, I suggest using a simple search engine to help people find what they want among your pages. Tryrepparttar 109088 free search service at

2. Use your web site to make it easy to find updates in your rapidly changing inventory. We often buy computers and musical equipment from and Both companies provide some ofrepparttar 109089 lowest prices in their industries. They do so by buying up discontinued items.

For companies like these, a web site is essential. Byrepparttar 109090 time their print catalog is published, many ofrepparttar 109091 items are either dwindling or long gone. Their web sites can immediately tell customers ifrepparttar 109092 product is still available, even listing how many units are still inrepparttar 109093 warehouse.

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