Money in the Bank

Written by Sibylla Nash

Recently, I was onrepparttar phone with a friend of mine from California who just purchased his first home. He's a single father and he's in his early 30s. He was upset that his parents had never stressedrepparttar 130320 importance of owning a home or even talked to him about how to save. “Man, I'm just thinking about all ofrepparttar 130321 money I wasted when I was younger,” he complained. It's true, before we had kids, what were we spending our money on? Remember when we could shop atrepparttar 130322 store and it was all about us? Didn't have to worry about somebody putting Dora cookies or fruit roll-ups inrepparttar 130323 shopping cart?

It's an understatement to say that having kids changes everything, especially our financial situation. I know as a single parent it's hard to seerepparttar 130324 forest forrepparttar 130325 trees while trying to juggle work, bills and kids. It can be difficult enough to imagine how to pay forrepparttar 130326 plumber and soccer classes much less saving enough for a down payment on a house. But it is possible.

When Shirronda and I first decided to purchase a home together, one ofrepparttar 130327 things we did aside from making a wishlist forrepparttar 130328 type of house that we wanted was to decide what to do withrepparttar 130329 house. We knew eventually we would move into our own single-family homes but we were in agreement that we would always keeprepparttar 130330 two-family forrepparttar 130331 girls. They can share one ofrepparttar 130332 apartments and rent outrepparttar 130333 other or they can live in their own unit. Whatever they decide to do, at least they will have options.

That's reallyrepparttar 130334 best gift we can give our kids. Options. Teaching kids about financial responsibility will ensure that they have many options. You can open up a savings account, an online brokerage account, start a 529 college savings fund, there are a variety of ways that you can show your kids how to save and how to help them understandrepparttar 130335 value of a dollar.

Verbal Self Defense – A Critical Factor in Self Defense for Women

Written by Michelle Annese

Verbal self defense,repparttar use of your voice in a threatening situation, is an extremely important tool in protecting yourself. How? Uncommon to popular belief, criminals do not pounce on an individual whenrepparttar 130317 mood strikes them. They attack when they see an opportunity available to them. If it’s easy, they will take it. They will prey on those who are weak, unaware, and an uncomplicated target. Criminals will act on premeditation, or stalk their victims ahead of time before attacking. If you show that you are familiar with your surroundings, walk with confidence, and give offrepparttar 130318 impression of strength, a criminal will not want to work to fight you.

Keep you eyes on everyone. Just because they might not ‘look’ like an attacker, doesn’t mean that some guy in a business suit can’t be one. If someone is approaching you, look them inrepparttar 130319 eye, hold out your hands in front of you and yell “Stay Back!” or “Stop!” Most sexual assailants interviewed say that they leave a woman alone if she showed that she wasn’t someone to be messed with or wasn’t afraid to fight back.

It’s called putting up a verbal boundary or verbal self defense. Many who have used this as part of their self defense training say they were amazed when they stepped toward a threatening stranger and yelled “Back Off!” in a strong, assertive, projecting voice. Andrepparttar 130320 would-be assailant did just that.

Using pepper sprays can work inrepparttar 130321 same manner. Just by aiming at a potential attacker and yelling, “I have pepper spray!” can be a deterrent. That’s if it is in your hand atrepparttar 130322 time.

Pepper sprays are only effective if properly used. Telling your would-be assailant that you have pepper spray… and it’s atrepparttar 130323 bottom of your purse is not effectively using it, or any weapon or self-defense product, for that matter. Whether its mace, a stun gun, or even your keys, have it readily available, in your hand. More self defense products can be found online at on this great website

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