Money Is A Family Affair

Written by Terry J. Rigg

If you are single and don't have kids this tip won't mean much to you. Forrepparttar rest of us that have others to consider when making money decisions it just may make things a little easier.

I guessrepparttar 110736 best knock-down, drag-out fights my wife and I ever had was about money. No, it never came to blows because she's meaner than I am. Believe me you can have a lot of fights in almost 39 years.

At some point we realized that it wasn't accomplishing anything. We still didn't have any money but we never earned a nickel fighting about it.

To get a handle on your finances it is going to take a team effort. The whole family has to be working inrepparttar 110737 same direction.

My suggestion would be to sit down and talk your money situation over with your spouse andrepparttar 110738 kids. It's important for everybody inrepparttar 110739 family to know what is going on.

Chess Tables

Written by Michael Kanehl

Where design meets functionality A well made chess table isn't going to make you a better chess player but it is going to bring a level of class to both your game, andrepparttar room that it resides in, that no ordinary chess board can match.

More than a piece of furniture, chess tables make a statement that you are not merely a chess player, you are a chess connoisseur!

As you might imagine, chess tables exist solely for playing chess. They typically are made of solid wood with rosewood, cedar, and mahogany beingrepparttar 110735 most popular. Exotic wood version are also available.

The chess board is generally made of inlaid wood that is integral torepparttar 110736 table top. Most tables also provide two felt-lined drawers for storage of pieces and pawns.

Like any other furniture piece,repparttar 110737 manufacturing process runsrepparttar 110738 gamut from mass-produced to one-of-a-kind hand-crafted collector pieces. The prices range widely as well. Expect to pay inrepparttar 110739 neighborhood of $500 for a higher-end manufactured piece and $1500 and up for hand-made pieces. Of course, there are chess tables available for under $100 as well.

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