Money - Money - and More Money

Written by John Assaraf

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Money - Money - and More Money

For over 20 years I have been fascinated with what it really takes to make a lot of money. I realized a long time ago that if someone else could do something or achieve something...thenrepparttar 104171 least that could happen was that I could copy what they did... and get a similar... or better result.

In my younger years, making Money was on top of my list so I became a very good student. But what I have discovered in my search is that it's not justrepparttar 104172 people withrepparttar 104173 college degrees orrepparttar 104174 most potential who makerepparttar 104175 most money.

For example, you and I both could probably name some people who we think are smarter than we are, yet who don't make as much money as we do. And we also could probably name some people who we think aren't as smart as we are, but who make more money.

I was VERY fortunate that I hadrepparttar 104176 desire to earn a lot of money...just as I hope you do. The reason I say that is because money is not hard to make if you understand how. But more than having just desire, I found a few mentors who really knew what making money was really all about; they were making millions, so I wanted to make millions.

As a matter of fact, I decided atrepparttar 104177 age of 22... that I was going to be a millionaire! I had no idea how.... but I was going to listen torepparttar 104178 mentors and then do what they did.

Let me share with you a few simple things I learned that I think will help you on your quest for earning significantly more money. And sincerepparttar 104179 Street Kid part of me wants it simple and fast, everything I do is about getting results now, not in 6 months. So everything you learn from me, you will be able to apply immediately. So let's begin.


First and foremost...earning a lot of money is not reserved for smart people. It's reserved for people who dorepparttar 104180 right things - spiritually, mentally and physically, that attract money.

One ofrepparttar 104181 first things you must understand is thatrepparttar 104182 internal belief you have about what you think you can earn, is not your true potential, but a conditioned 'belief' based on your past results and old mental conditioning.

And as a reminder from previous reports... your internal image and conditioning controls what you focus on, attract and see. If you are conditioned to make $35k a year, all you see are opportunities and jobs in line with that image and focus. If you are conditioned to earn $200k a year, then all you are focused on is things that are in line with that financial level.

There is an exact science to earning money that most people have never been taught. I'll give you an example of a couple ofrepparttar 104183 easy rules you must understand for earning money. Without understanding and applying these simple rules, you are working harder than you need to be.

I've been able to help many people significantly increase their financial intake and lifestyle by simply understanding and followingrepparttar 104184 information that here you go...

(Now remember, individually these rules may seem simple. But when you look atrepparttar 104185 3'll understandrepparttar 104186 potential effect they have on how much you can earn.)

Finding Your True North

Written by John Assaraf

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to:

Finding Your True North

Okay Friends,

It's time for a 'check up fromrepparttar 104170 neck up'! It's time for an evaluation in each area of your life. Some of you may be saying 'I don't need one!'

Well, you may be right. And you may not be. But you know what they say? The best time to go seerepparttar 104171 doctor is to have a preventative plan, not a recovery plan.

So, with that said, fill in all ofrepparttar 104172 TRUE NORTH Evaluation Forms provided below and inrepparttar 104173 book, “The Street Kid’s Guide to Having it All” and you'll get a REAL snapshot ofrepparttar 104174 mental diet you've been on.

You can get them right here (they are in Adobe PDF format):

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