Mom Management™

Written by Tracy Lyn Moland

For me, Mom Management™ holds a number of meanings, with Managing Mom Before Everybody Else™ being most important. I have always felt that being a Mom is a lot like being a manager. The skills we use to run our homes are very similar to skills used to run a business.

Regardless of our individual circumstances, we share a common bond - that of being a Mother. Being a Mom is an incredible experience but it is also very consuming. We have all experienced an incredible change from our pre-mother lives. Most of these changes are very positive but one that we all have trouble dealing with is a loss of our sense of self. At some point, we realize that we have let being a Mom become our entire identity. When my children were two and four years old, I realized that Tracy Lyn was missing. In tears, I realized I had lost my sense of self. In looking for myself, I decided to try doing a triathlon, thus setting one goal. Wow! The focus of that one goal, one thing just for me, re-established my sense of self. That initial goal led to five more triathlons, becoming an entrepreneur, a professional speaker, and now an author. Duringrepparttar long process of finding my true self again, I also became a better Mother.

As I realized, being a Mom is not who we are, but rather one ofrepparttar 111112 many other roles that we fill in our lives. The term Mom Management was created as a reminder thatrepparttar 111113 Me in Mommeee still exists, and needs to be nurtured. Flying provides us withrepparttar 111114 perfect analogy. Atrepparttar 111115 beginning of each flight, we are told that, “If flying with children, make sure to secure your own oxygen mask first and then secure theirs.” As a Mom, we need to take care of ourselves first so that we can better meetrepparttar 111116 needs of our families. Rather than put ourselves second we need to secure our oxygen masks first.

Are You Doing the Right Job?

Written by Tracy Lyn Moland

Something we need to consider as we go through life with long To Do lists – are we puttingrepparttar right things on them? Are we doingrepparttar 111111 right job? I was driving in my car listening to a tape on time management and I heard one ofrepparttar 111112 most profound statements I have ever heard. Mathew Parvis statedrepparttar 111113 difference between Effectiveness and Efficiency:

Efficiency is doingrepparttar 111114 job right. Effectiveness is doingrepparttar 111115 right job. Be effective first.

You may need to think this one through a bit. We often spend a lot of time doing something right when we shouldn’t even be doing it at all. I remember during university, I was cleaning my bathroom very efficiently. I even found a contact lens that someone else had lost – before I moved in two years earlier. However, I had final examsrepparttar 111116 next day. I was not making effective use of my time. Effective use would have been to study.

Think about how often you spend a lot of time doing something well when you should be doing something else. Mothers often do this. “Oh, I just have to getrepparttar 111117 dishes done and then I will play.” Or “I have to finish this and then we can go torepparttar 111118 park.” We get annoyed at our children for interrupting us doing a menial job, whenrepparttar 111119 effective use of our time is likely to enjoy our children before they grow up. This doesn’t mean we should live in a messy house but it does mean we need to ask ourselves this question every so often: “Am I being Effective first? Am I doingrepparttar 111120 right job?”

This question has really made a difference in my relationship with my children and my husband. I have maderepparttar 111121 decision to use my time as effectively as possible. Rather than always trying to get work done when they are around and want to be with me, I have made use of childcare and school to make sure to have effective time both for my work and for my family. Whenrepparttar 111122 kids are away, I work on my writing and presentations. When they are home I set aside time to play, go for walks or just be with them.

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