Moldy Homes are a Great Investment

Written by Dr George W Graham

"Moldy Homes are a Great Investment" (c) Dr GW Graham

Have you seen this in your classifieds? -"Will pay $$$ for moldy homes. Call 555-555-5555"

All you have to do is watchrepparttar news and you know about mold problems. We hear about Ed McMahan suing because his moldy home killed his pet dog. We also hear about Erin Brockovich and Sandra Bullock's problems with their brand new moldy home.

* Mold has been traced to people dying in moldy homes.

* Mold has been proven to berepparttar 103333 leading cause of sinus infections * (Mayo Clinic 1997)

* Mold will destroyrepparttar 103334 wood in a house.

* Mold loves to grow on wallpaper and drywall.

* We have actually seen it grow on glass.

People have had to move out of these houses. Sometimes even lettingrepparttar 103335 bank take backrepparttar 103336 house because repair costs are prohibitive for most homeowners. As we all know,repparttar 103337 home insurance policies aren't covering these damages any more.

Not all people stuck with these problems give their homes back torepparttar 103338 bank. But many times they are motivated sellers. And people who invest in real estate love motivated sellers.

Before now, divorce created most ofrepparttar 103339 motivated sells. Move over quarrelling couples.

Butrepparttar 103340 title of this article tells us that mold creates a great investment. How can that be true if mold destroys repparttar 103341 health ofrepparttar 103342 homeowner?

The answer is that mold can be fixed inexpensively.

The people who want to move out have been told that it will cost up to $80,000 to get their home fixed. Some people actually do spend this money and find out they still haverepparttar 103343 mold problem.


Because most mold abatements are made by construction companies. Many of these companies are “mold specialists” because they have taken a 3 day weekend class. It takes a Mycologist up to 8 years of college to learnrepparttar 103344 minimum amount of knowledge required to understand mold inrepparttar 103345 home.

Create a Business You Love

Written by Damien Senn

So you have entrepreneurial aspirations, but you’re stuck in a job working for someone else. You wake up, commute to work, work hard, pay your bills and then come home exhausted. You repeatrepparttar pattern for another four days, becoming increasingly tired asrepparttar 103332 week progresses. Byrepparttar 103333 time Friday night comes around you are absolutely shattered requiring every second of your weekend just to recover! And just as you start to feel as if you have your life back, your alarm clock goes off on Monday morning, you drag your feet out of bed and you repeatrepparttar 103334 cycle. Does this scenario sound all too familiar? Is thisrepparttar 103335 way you want to spendrepparttar 103336 rest of your working life?

Controlling your thoughts.

So how do you start to break this monotonous existence? You do so with a single thought. It is said that each one of us has 60,000 thoughts a day, 55,000 of which were exactlyrepparttar 103337 same thoughts as we had yesterday. So I am going to place a simple thought in your mind right now;

“ You haverepparttar 103338 potential to create a profitable business that you are truly passionate about, that fulfils you creatively and that delivers a lot of good inrepparttar 103339 world. “

If that message resonates with you, you may like to re-read it and holdrepparttar 103340 thought in your mind for a second time. Really try and experiencerepparttar 103341 meaning in this message. Not just intellectually but emotionally as well. You may also like re-think this thought again tomorrow. And if it feels good tomorrow, you may like to add it to your habitual thoughts.

Give your new thought some support Once you have heldrepparttar 103342 thought of running your own business in your own mind and you are comfortable with it, you need to start expandingrepparttar 103343 dynamics ofrepparttar 103344 thought. Ask yourselfrepparttar 103345 following questions ·What sort of business would you like to run? ·Would it be a full time business or just a part time one? ·What would you call it? ·How much time would you like to devote to it? ·Who would be your target market? ·Who can you get involved to help you get it started?

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