
Written by Jo Ball

Wanted… Experienced Women who can Make a Difference

The kids have takenrepparttar best years of your life. You gave it all willingly – even throughrepparttar 130146 tantrums andrepparttar 130147 constant ‘Why? Why?’ of childhood intorepparttar 130148 raging hormones and cupboard raiding of teenage.

Now they’ve moved on and you’ve moved to mid-life. Withrepparttar 130149 financial pressures of raising a family gone, you’ve begun to think about you forrepparttar 130150 first time in a couple of decades. You find yourself wondering what you used to do before you had children, or, more torepparttar 130151 point, what you’re going to do now.

There’s got to be a good decade or two left for you to work, but you’re capable and could do most jobs standing on your head, with your eyes shut and your hands tied behind your back. You want a challenge, but more than that you want to do something you love that will make a real difference torepparttar 130152 world. Butrepparttar 130153 question is, what will you turn your talents too… And what are talents again?!

I understand that women in their forties, fifties and sixties have an abundance of wisdom and experience to share withrepparttar 130154 world, but sadly not enough do this. Too many hide where they hardly get noticed, suppress their wisdom and forgetrepparttar 130155 massive experiences they can share.

The world needs women like you now. The world is crying out for sensitive, experienced women who care aboutrepparttar 130156 world their children have now grown into; who care aboutrepparttar 130157 environment, who care about their community and who want to make a difference, even if it is just in your street or in work place.

Are Cardigans Cool?

Written by Mark Shenton

Are Cardigans Cool? How can something that our Parents wear be cool? Hold on a minute, there is even a better question. How can something our Grandparents wear be cool? It seems that wool cardigans have been around forever as this article aboutrepparttar history of wool cardigans will tell you. So why are we still wearing them?

The truth is that if cardigans have survived as long as they have there must be something about them that we like.

Cardigans Looks It seems that just asrepparttar 130144 old saying goes “there is someone out there for everyone”, there is also a cardigan out there for everybody. The older man will fall in love with a fisherman’s cardigan or maybe a nice Woolovers one forrepparttar 130145 golf course. His wife will pop down torepparttar 130146 shops in a Marks & Spencer special and as for his children, his daughter will probably be out downrepparttar 130147 pub in a trendy tight fitting little cardigan fromrepparttar 130148 Gap and his son will be posing down another pub in an expensive Armani number. So as far as looks are concerned,repparttar 130149 cardigan has passedrepparttar 130150 test of time with flying colours.

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