Take every program that doesn't include a powerline system and trash it! This may seem like a bold statement, but by time you finish reading this article, you will understand why.The Multi-level-marketing industry has exploded over last couple of years. Billion dollar giants worldwide are getting in on hype because they realize it will make their company more money. Internet users worldwide are also getting involved because of endless opportunities to make some money as well.
In MLM, everybody wins!... that is, unless you're like most of us who get fed up with buying into promises that don't deliver results. The countless hours of advertising with nothing to show for it. The maxed out credit cards and empty bank accounts.
The #1 reason most people fail in MLM is because of downline system. And here's why...
In most MLM's, you are required to build what's called a "downline", or rather promote company and have people sign up under you. Only once people sign up will you qualify to earn commissions.
But therein lies problem...
Most people don't have ability to build even one downline on their own, let alone several. Even worse, if program's compensation plan requires that multiple powerlines are built BEFORE you can achieve high-dollar status, chance of financial success is even less likely.
Imagine with me for a moment...
Let's say that you want to open up a retail store downtown. Would you ever in your wildest dreams walk down town, pick a location, open for business, begin advertising and within a few days of grand opening, go down and open up five more retail stores, one right next to other on main street.