Misery Can Eat You Alive

Written by Laurie Hayes

This is a true story about a woman I worked with for several years.

I'm sure we all know at least one person who cannot find a good thing to say about anything or anyone. Your typical "miserable" person who could have $10 million handed to her and would complain that it wasn't $10 million and $1.

This was such a person.

The sky would be blue,repparttar temperature warm andrepparttar 128943 flowers in full bloom. She would point out one small cloud that loomed inrepparttar 128944 horizon, that it was two degrees warmer in another town and thatrepparttar 128945 petals onrepparttar 128946 tulips were wilting prematurely.

She had nothing good to say about anyone we worked with, and I thought we had a great group of people.

I eventually started to avoid her because try as I would to get her to find something good inrepparttar 128947 world, she would strike down my every effort.

When we would learn of anything new inrepparttar 128948 workplace, she would immediately react with anger and start venting her opinion to anyone within earshot.

I decided to distance myself from her because I could not raise her energy and she was bringing mine down.

Science has proven thatrepparttar 128949 way we think, feel and react has an impact on our health and physical well-being.

When someone is constantly sick or suffering from one ailment or another, this may often be a reflection of what is going on in his or her thoughts.

Of course, there are always exceptions; however, I have observed that many of those who live in a constant state of negativity, and who react to many situations based on their judgments, suffer more maladies and chronic illnesses than those who don't.

I often contemplated this theory when thinking of my co-worker and I wondered if some day she would suffer a fatal heart attack or terrible illness because she was so filled with anger and negativity.

Pigs Don't Sing

Written by Laurie Hayes

Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and it annoysrepparttar pig. – Mark Twain

Wonderful analogy to prove a powerful point … don’t push yourself to be or do something you are not and don’t push someone else to go against his or her natural configuration.

The end result will be frustration, annoyance and disappointment.

Have you ever tried to be someone or something you were not? How did you feel? You may have done this thinking it wasrepparttar 128941 right thing to do or because someone else expected it of you, but inrepparttar 128942 end, what wasrepparttar 128943 result?

You may have felt unfulfilled, suffered a blow to your confidence because you believe you failed, or lost all hope whatsoever of creating real happiness for yourself.

You worked hard, gave everything you got and still felt dissatisfied inrepparttar 128944 end.

Before committing to a goal and pouring all of your energy into making it a reality, you need to know if it is in alignment with who you are, not who you think you should be.

The best way to determine what makes you happy is to venture out and create a variety of experiences for yourself.

Whether it be socializing with many different people; committing yourself to a month of solitude to begin writing a book, song or screen play; taking a variety of short courses or participating in workshops; or experimenting with photography, painting or any other creative endeavor, allow yourself to experience a wide variety of activities so you can determine what makes your heart sing and gets you excited.

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