Mindfulness and Education: Teachers, Make It Fun

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

As a mindfulness trainer, I’m a big fan of promoting greater mindfulness inrepparttar classroom. However, it’s interesting to me that those who seem to berepparttar 143229 most thoughtful and passionate proponents of mindfulness in education arerepparttar 143230 ones most likely to be trapped by their limited thinking.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I praise those who introduce silence, stillness and contemplation among students. I applaud those who explainrepparttar 143231 concept of mindfulness and invite their charges to explorerepparttar 143232 wonder of watchingrepparttar 143233 mind in action. I celebraterepparttar 143234 teachers who use “mindfulness” as an everyday word in their lessons.

But why stop there?

Inrepparttar 143235 name of recess, field trips, and all that kids hold holy in school, can’t we make mindfulness FUN?

By using bells to signal silence and having kids close their eyes in order to be mindful, we’re sticking torepparttar 143236 tried-and-true meditation model.

Must we?

Could kids settle peacefully in their chairs atrepparttar 143237 sound of a kazoo? Would they benefit from an eyes-wide-open approach to mindfulness that allows them to be active? Can they develop heightened awareness and concentration while playing—with words, music, numbers, colors, shapes, textures and smells?

We learn best when we’re enjoyingrepparttar 143238 process. Teaching kids to meditate? Great. But we are unnecessarily limitingrepparttar 143239 possibilities for greater awareness by preaching—er, teaching—that meditation isrepparttar 143240 only path to paying attention.

Kick Starting a Career in Criminal Justice

Written by Alexa Apallas

Do you watch Cold Case religiously? Do you love CSI in all its incarnations? Do you devour police procedural novels, likerepparttar ones by Ed McBain? Are you interested in a career that doesn’t always involve spending eight hours behind a desk? If you’re nodding in recognition, you may be ready to turn your passion into a new career in criminal justice and law enforcement. And a college degree inrepparttar 143062 field can help you achieve that goal.

Many job seekers are drawn to careers in criminal justice and law enforcement, according torepparttar 143063 Bureau of Labor Statistics, because those jobs offer attractive salaries and benefits. Plus, opportunities inrepparttar 143064 field are likely to grow quickly because of an increased emphasis on security in American society. According torepparttar 143065 U.S. Department of Labor, criminal justice is a professional field poised for growth inrepparttar 143066 coming decade: Demand for Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers is expected to grow by 23.2%. In addition, overall demand for criminal justice professionals is expected to grow by 29.8% by 2010.

Although many careers inrepparttar 143067 criminal justice field, such as serving as a police officer, do not require a college degree, extra education can only improve a job seeker’s potential for finding a suitable position. In fact, “applicants with college training in police science, military police experience, or both should haverepparttar 143068 best opportunities,” according torepparttar 143069 Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Clearly, those who are serious about pursuing a career as a police officer, a fraud investigator or a probation officer would be well-served by earning a specialized college degree. But real-world responsibilities may mean that on-campus college classes just won’t fit into a busy schedule. That’s where Colorado Technical University Online comes in.

Colorado Tech Online offers a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, and students can completerepparttar 143070 entire degree program online in as little as 15 months,* assuming they already have an associate’s degree orrepparttar 143071 equivalent. Students with no previous college credit can completerepparttar 143072 program in about two and a half years. The degree helps prepare students for careers in law enforcement,repparttar 143073 courts or corrections.

At Colorado Tech Online, students study topics such as corrections solutions, law enforcement andrepparttar 143074 community, American criminal procedure, white-collar crime, and forensic behavior analysis. The professors who teachrepparttar 143075 classes have practical experience inrepparttar 143076 subjects they teach, and they are more than willing to share their firsthand knowledge with their online students. Just take it from Professor Chris Drew, former officer withrepparttar 143077 Port Authority of New York andrepparttar 143078 New Jersey Police Department: “Teaching isrepparttar 143079 best way for me to use what I learned in my years inrepparttar 143080 field. I’ve found I love to mentor, andrepparttar 143081 learning format at Colorado Tech Online is set up perfectly for it. The chats are student-friendly and very helpful, andrepparttar 143082 curriculum and assignments are based inrepparttar 143083 real world.”

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