Mindfulness and Creativity: The Wow of Wonder

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

You are so creative.

Don't deny it. Whether or not you consider yourself a creative type,repparttar truth is that you are constantly creating ideas.

Mindfulness invites you to be aware of this constantly flowing river, and offers an opportunity to choose to sit beside it instead of swimming in it. By watchingrepparttar 123239 ideas from that calm riverbank, you can more clearly seerepparttar 123240 ones that float torepparttar 123241 top and sparkle inrepparttar 123242 sun.

But mindfulness is more than just mind watching mind. When we are engaged inrepparttar 123243 process of creating--whether that's words, numbers, music, art, or movement--without getting swept up inrepparttar 123244 concept of where it might be leading, that is a very pure form of mindfulness.

If creating is mindfulness in action,repparttar 123245 little push that gets things moving isrepparttar 123246 thrill of discovery. As humans, we are fascinated by novelty, and we are pulled by our joy of seeing something in a new light.

Mindfulness allows us to approachrepparttar 123247 world with childlike wonder, to play with new concepts, and to see things from a shifted perspective. You can't always engage in new activities, but through mindfulness, you can look atrepparttar 123248 same-old same-old with fresh eyes.

The Wow of Wonder is what stimulates us to be creative. Without it, we are likely to come down with our culture's most prevalent malady--mindlessness. Mindlessness causes us to move through life without really connecting to any of it. It's living on auto-pilot. It's living without wonder--or fun.

Here's a helpful reminder: fun is good. We don't have to make mindfulness HARD. There is nothing hard about it. We were incredibly mindful and creative as children, and guess what? We had a lot more fun then, too!

Letting Go Can Be Hard But Doable

Written by Catherine Franz

Being a coach, I learned through attending Coach University about letting go ofrepparttar "stuff" in my life that no longer fueled it. This enhanced itself through my studies in becoming a master practitioner inrepparttar 105855 laws of attraction --repparttar 105856 process of how our environment,repparttar 105857 things and people in it, affect what we attract inrepparttar 105858 present moment. Along with this came of sensingrepparttar 105859 heaviness of possessions.

My journey began eight years ago and even today I am still letting go exceptrepparttar 105860 items have thinned out considerably. I discovered through time thatrepparttar 105861 process needed to occur in increments and in small amounts. It was as if I needed to grieve a little in between. Even though that may sound stupid, it does to me too, it¡¯s my naked truth.

It began at my medicine chest. During my first honestly aware visit it was all I could do but toss out a few expired pills. Every week thereafter overrepparttar 105862 next month all I could do was remove one item here and there. Setting a goal of one a day only worked in spurts. Eventually,repparttar 105863 cabinet, which didn't have much inrepparttar 105864 first place, was fully functional and only what I really needed.

Then camerepparttar 105865 linen closet and afterwards my home office. I sold a majority of my books on Amazon. As my shelves became more honest, and of course lighter, my writing began to change. My productivity doubled, my focus, commitment, and clarity took leaps. This was one of my happiness times during this project. The more I let go,repparttar 105866 more my writing improved. I also made a New Year¡¯s resolution to stop buying books for a year. For an avid reader and book junkie this was painfully hard. I'm proud to say I made it to September before I broke.

The New Year¡¯s resolution included a side point -- I had to read to let go of every book on my shelf that I hadn't already read or that didn't fit my current needs. This philosophy is still in effect. The next year I progressed and came up withrepparttar 105867 one-book in and one-book out policy. I'm not always successful, yet, I've found it a good rule of thumb, especially forrepparttar 105868 wallet. The sale profits sit in a savings account andrepparttar 105869 account only allows one withdrawal a month. This maintains orderly spending for my weakest link -- buying too many books. It worked for a few years until I developed my own discipline and discernment. Was it easy, heck no! In fact, I can remember times when my logic and desires were inrepparttar 105870 boxing ring. Does it get easier, heck yes!

Duringrepparttar 105871 book honesty process I had to develop a new reading-research system. This required me to read and processrepparttar 105872 information different. I started a journaling system, first manual, then computerized. It also created a very productive self-learning process that I found absolutely fabulous and still use today.

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