Midlife Career Change the Parallel Career Way

Written by Joseph Lee

To many...thoughts of a midlife career change begin to loom constantly in their mind when they're at or aroundrepparttar age of forty. 'Something' happens when they are at this half-way point in their life. What about you? Have you arrived at this stage in your life when you 'feel' a midlife career change is due. You’re on a mental and emotional transition not experienced since adolescence. Your career ambitions, attitudes and interests change. The way you look at life and at people change. Your values change. The strong fires of ambition that you had when you were in your twenties and thirties are now cooled. You now think more aboutrepparttar 106971 purpose of life, your health and other mortality issues. How Do You Want to Spendrepparttar 106972 Rest of Your Working Life? If you’ve never thought about this question…it’s time you do because your answer may berepparttar 106973 most important one forrepparttar 106974 rest of your life.

Do not wait forrepparttar 106975 following to happen before starting a parallel career: ·You are in a job that is so routine that your work days are simply boring. ·You are not utilizing your talents often in your job. ·You’re not fully satisfied after completing a project or task. ·You feel drained and exhausted byrepparttar 106976 time you reach home. ·You have lost interest in your job. ·You may lose your job soon.

Your decision to have a midlife career change andrepparttar 106977 right choice of parallel career can makerepparttar 106978 rest of your working life a happy, fulfilling and enjoyable one.

Midlife Career Change…Often a Difficult Decision The decision to change career at midlife is often a difficult one. Often any or some ofrepparttar 106979 following can stop you from making this decision:

Success: Define Your Own!

Written by Debra Thorsen

Success: Define Your Own! By Debra Thorsen www.corporaterebels.com

Many of us are prisoners of our own success. Maybe we started our careers with a goal of climbingrepparttar corporate ladder or earning $X per year or ________________ (fill inrepparttar 106970 blank).

We then achieve success, are “respected” by our peers, have a nice big house full of great stuff, take nice vacations….. And yet, we often think, “Is this all that there is?” We have a sense of emptiness inside.

I think many of us experience this “mid-life crisis” because we have borrowed society’s definition of success instead of crafting our own definition of personal success.

Take a moment and write downrepparttar 106971 Definition of Success that has guided your decisions and actions up until now. You don’t have to agree with it, but put down on paper what has been lurking in your mind.

My Current Definition of Success:

Where did you get your current definition of success? From your parents or teachers or spouse? Are you trapped by a definition of success that you don’t even agree to?

It’s time to create your very own personalized definition of success.

Here are some alternative definitions of success for you to consider and reflect upon:

“Too often, people focus only on results. But getting results without learning something or without having fun are incomplete. So is having fun without gettingrepparttar 106972 results, or having fun without learning something new to help and empower you inrepparttar 106973 future. Accomplishment is all three:repparttar 106974 result, personal growth, and having fun.” -Peter L. Hirsch

“There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component….But success also include good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind.” - Deepak Chopra

“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gainedrepparttar 106975 respect of intelligent men andrepparttar 106976 love of little children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who has leftrepparttar 106977 world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked forrepparttar 106978 best in others and given themrepparttar 106979 best he had; who life was an inspiration; whose memory a benediction.” - Bessie Stanley as published inrepparttar 106980 Lincoln Sentinel on Nov. 30, 1905. Mrs. Stanley won $250 in an essay contest byrepparttar 106981 George Livingston Richards Co of Boston, MA

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