Mid-Year Success Check: Are You Halfway There?

Written by Kathy Gulrich

In a couple weeks, we'll be heading intorepparttar second half of 2005. How are you doing on those New Year's resolutions?

What were they?

Think back for a minute at how committed you were to achieving them. (And if you have achieved them, congratulations!)

If you're like most people, however, all that commitment, all that resolve, turned into more frustration than results.

Maybe it started with one little slip. One day of not exercising. One chocolate, one cigarette. Or a pair of really fabulous shoes that seemed much more important than your studio rent.

Before you knew it, those well-intentioned resolutions were a thing ofrepparttar 145382 past. What on earth went wrong?

This time, instead of looking back at your frustration, why not focus your energy on figuring out how to achieve your goals? Here are a few suggestions that just might help you get there:

1 - Find a goal that inspires you

What do you really want to accomplish? Is it your goal, or someone else's? How will your day-to-day life change when you achieve that goal?

What effect will it have on you, or those around you, if you don't get there?

Does your goal give you an opportunity to grow? To be creative? To develop into a better you?

When you find a goal that seems right, feel into it. Do you sincerely believe you can achieve it? When you think about your goal, does it really excite you? Give you energy? Is a smile starting to light up your face? If so, you've probably found a goal that won't lead to frustration. So go for it!

The Laid Daughter --- Book Review

Written by Faye Brown

There has been a lot of publicity lately centered onrepparttar issue of child molestation. Child molestation is a horrific form of child abuse that leaves its victims with a deep loss of self andrepparttar 145381 inability to cope with life's challenges.

Another form of child abuse, that leaves its victims powerless and confused, is incest. Incest is a topic that most families refuse to discuss and sometimes deny that it ever existed. The Laid Daughter, by Helen Bonner is such an example.

In this riveting novel,repparttar 145382 author discusses her own issues with incest. What is so unique aboutrepparttar 145383 novel itself is thatrepparttar 145384 author has been journaling her strange feelings for over 20 years before she realizes that her journal entries depict her true life experiences.

The author takes us on her journey through self discovery and healing by allowing us to see her daily struggles in life. She is plagued with failed marriages and her inability to have honest and open relationships with others. She cuts herself off from her family and friends. There is, however, something very striking about Ms. Bonner's character. She is able to hold down a job and build herself a lucrative career while dealing withrepparttar 145385 incest issue.

Going throughrepparttar 145386 healing process was not an easy road for Ms. Bonner. Early on, she was given erroneous advice from some early therapist. She found herself dropping out of therapy withrepparttar 145387 belief that somehow she could conquer her demons on her own. She then seeks therapy through a wonderful therapist byrepparttar 145388 name of Glenda Parkinson who discovers that Helen was not just a survivor of incest, but she also suffered from a Multiple Personality Disorder.

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