MicroCap business cashflow stabilization: ERP System, Divestitures & Spin-Offs

Written by Andrew Karasev

Company restructuring, merging & acquisition should be done in concert with ERP system tuning up or building up. Sometimes you should consider switching to cheaper and more efficient ERP solution The MicroCap space may be viewed as a jungle containing many hungry predators who may view you and your company as just another meal. Within six degrees of separation from nearly everyone inrepparttar American business community, unfortunately, you are likely to meet someone who has been victimized in a reverse merger transaction or some other transaction that was poorly structured, ill conceived and designed to fulfillrepparttar 142763 selfish interests of a few. Divestitures or Spin-Offs may substantially improve you cash flow: •Sometimes companies can be burdened by assets or divisions that are not relevant to their current business focus. •This can cause financial problems and can create a lack of clarity onrepparttar 142764 part of their shareholder base. •What isrepparttar 142765 solution? Maybe your company should consider getting operationally and financially back into focus by spinning out a division or divesting itself of an asset? •Usually you need specialist to assist in identifying a target for divesting or spinning off, valuingrepparttar 142766 asset, finding a buyer and/or assisting in a public or private spin-off ofrepparttar 142767 asset to your shareholders.

What Has A Portable MP3 Player Have To Do With Your Business

Written by Lynette Chandler

Plenty! When we maderepparttar decision to be our own bosses, we gave uprepparttar 142753 luxury of having our employers sending us to us seminars, workshops or conferences that help improve our skills and gain knowledge related to our work. All this became our initiative. We have to look for and invest in our own education. But as busy entreprenuers, taking time off to learn can be quite a feat.

Onrepparttar 142754 other hand, it need not be that way especially if you have a portable MP3 player. The Internet has opened up a whole new learning avenue we can take advantage of, right fromrepparttar 142755 comfort of our own home offices. A majority of courses online are in MP3 format or can be extracted to MP3. Withrepparttar 142756 popularity of podcasts, teleseminars and web conferences, you will find no shortage of audio learning material. In factrepparttar 142757 opposite is true - you may find yourself not havingrepparttar 142758 opportunity to listen to all these great information. What an ironic twist of fate huh?

But this is whererepparttar 142759 portable MP3 player can becomerepparttar 142760 entreprenuer's best friend. You can download MP3 files directly into your portable player and begin to listen and learn while you do other tasks away fromrepparttar 142761 computer.

I know this has helped me tremendously. I used to have piles of MP3 files clogging up my computer hard drive. I'd download them, start to listen but never finish because of other duties away fromrepparttar 142762 computer. It got to a point I didn't even bother trying to listen because if ofrepparttar 142763 constant interruptions.

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