Metrics Fraud

Written by Rob Emerick

Metrics fraud is a subject which is not discussed but I feel will come into mainstream conversations as Internet Advertising matures. I have been inrepparttar Internet marketing industry for five years now and I have seen many numbers come and go. The single ubiquitous truth, however, is that these numbers are often never questioned.

I have learned that inrepparttar 125600 age of Internet time, where decision-making processes are considered obsolete if they take more than 3 days and everything needs to be done yesterday, companies are spending millions of dollars on Internet ad buys without consideration towards fraud.

While we would all like to close our eyes and wish that any online business will deal with is respectable and would not deceive us we must realize what is actually occurring behindrepparttar 125601 scenes. In an economy where business valuations can gain millions of dollars in a short time based on trafficking analysis an unscrupulous businessman may be tempted to inflate his site's statistics for personal gain. Even though many Internet sites have their web trafficking numbers audited by third party vendors there are numerous sites onrepparttar 125602 Internet that police their own numbers. We are simply to trust these sites, on their good faith, that they will not deceive us.

Sincerepparttar 125603 Internet is a wild land with no rules many sagacious and forward-thinking individuals are pushing for standards. Not just standards of a programming language but standards that can be applied to most facets of e-business. While we are all waiting for these standards however, we should be responsible consumers and questions where are ad dollars are going.

I know of one large Internet company that was spending several hundred thousand dollars per month for online advertising and was not even aware that almost a quarter of their ad buy was going to unaudited websites. These websites could have inflated their numbers or demographics to justify a higher CPM and there is no way to verify it!

I recommend that you apply a degree of common sense to ad buys for your site or your clients. When I organize ad buys for my clients I make sure I know where every dollar is going and who it is going to. Before I commit to a network buy I get a complete site list of every site that I will run on and I scrutinize each site individually. One ofrepparttar 125604 questions I ask every site individually, yes I do contact each one individually, is whether or notrepparttar 125605 sites traffic is audited. I then discover which company audits that site and I verify that statement withrepparttar 125606 auditing house.

Anti-Terrorism Business

Written by Paul Siegel

Why do terrorists hate us so much that they are willing, even eager, to die while inflicting upon us tremendous strife and devastation? Many are asking this question. Most answers I hear are related to religion, ethnicity and perceived victimization.

All these, no doubt, play a role. But I believe thatrepparttar main cause of terrorism is resentment. Most terrorists come from extremely poor countries. They see how we in rich countries live, and are resentful. Resentment turns into frustration and eventually despair. A despairing person is easy prey to radical fanatics.

If resentment isrepparttar 125599 cause, reducing resentment should decrease repparttar 125600 number of terrorists and thus help winrepparttar 125601 fight against terrorism. How do we do this? We need a multi-prong strategy. But for people in business,repparttar 125602 answer is: By building an anti-terrorism economy featuring anti-terrorism businesses. What will anti-terrorism businesses be like? They will enshrinerepparttar 125603 concept of helpfulness and apply it in a big way to individuals and companies inrepparttar 125604 poor countries ofrepparttar 125605 world. This is not idealism. This is a practical way for business people to fight terrorism while at repparttar 125606 same time strengthening their own bottom line.

Resentment Breeds Terrorism

Inrepparttar 125607 free world we haverepparttar 125608 richest countries inrepparttar 125609 world. Their peoples have masteredrepparttar 125610 arts andrepparttar 125611 sciences. They have developed sophisticated technologies, products, systems and services that fuel their vibrant economies. They have produced millionaires and billionaires. They live in big houses and have a plethora of gadgets to reduce drudgery, keep them mobile, and supply entertainment. Life is good!

In contrast, people in poor countries, are not too gainfully employed, live in thatched or mud huts (if they have a home at all), don't have enough money to buy food, and are subject to floods, disease, AIDS, and brutal neighbors. Life is fiendish.

The rich countries have perhaps 15% ofrepparttar 125612 Earth's population. Yet they produce 88% ofrepparttar 125613 users ofrepparttar 125614 Internet. Many ofrepparttar 125615 remaining 85% ofrepparttar 125616 people inrepparttar 125617 world have never used a telephone.

Religion is notrepparttar 125618 primary cause of terrorism. Poor, frustrated people turn to religion for solace. However, there is a limit torepparttar 125619 amount of solace they may get if they have nothing to eat. So they become radicals. They become terrorists. What do they have to lose? They become martyrs.

How to Reduce Resentment

There will always be some resentment of rich and powerful people and of rich and powerful nations. Butrepparttar 125620 amount and intensity of resentment may be reduced greatly if poor people and countries become more prosperous.

Yes, rich countries have establishedrepparttar 125621 IMF andrepparttar 125622 World Bank to helprepparttar 125623 poor countries. But every time these financial institutions offer a loan it comes with such tough conditions that rarely can a country abide by them and still grow its economy.

The trouble with these financial institutions is that they are based onrepparttar 125624 principle:

> The rich should helprepparttar 125625 poor

The implication is thatrepparttar 125626 rich know best what to do and how to do it. They feel superior because they are helping these inferior people. For poor countries to be made more prosperous we must userepparttar 125627 following principle:

> The rich should enablerepparttar 125628 poor to help themselves

Instead of making plans, allow them to make their own plans. Instead of teaching them how to do things, set up an environment that enables them to learn. Instead of selling them sophisticated technology, help them develop their own technology.

Anti-Terrorism Economy

Build a world economy that fights terrorism by makingrepparttar 125629 economy as inclusive as possible, thus enabling poor countries to grow and prosper. This will produce more optimistic people, people less eager to become terrorists and martyrs.

Take a look at our recent economies;

1 - INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY - We had an industrial economy only in rich countries. Poor countries were used primarily to obtain raw materials for use in industrial products forrepparttar 125630 rich. Colonialism subjugated and impoverished poor countries further.

2 - NEW ECONOMY - Some called itrepparttar 125631 Information Economy. I called itrepparttar 125632 Learning Economy. But again, primarilyrepparttar 125633 rich were part of this economy. Poor countries, who were hungering for information and learning, did not haverepparttar 125634 wherewithal to participate.

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