Meta Tags help optimize your web site rankings

Written by Jennifer Schilling

Are you working on getting your web site up ontorepparttar internet?

There are a few different elements you need to think about when first putting up your new web site. Starting withrepparttar 127798 basics and building from there isrepparttar 127799 best way to go. Optimizing your web site and getting it ready forrepparttar 127800 Internet World to see is what you need to concentrate on first. Here are a few helpful hints to get you on your way to success.

When optimizing your web site and making sure it is ready forrepparttar 127801 search engines to crawl frequently, there are a few key areas that you need to pay attention to. The three main fundamentals for creating successful search engine optimization are Link popularity, Meta tag creation and optimizing your web site. We will specifically concentrate on creating meta tags to help optimize any web site.

What is a Meta Tag?

A meta tag can be found inrepparttar 127802 "html code" within a web page. Each meta tag is used byrepparttar 127803 search engines to determine what your web pages are about. The meta tag Information providesrepparttar 127804 "essential guts" of your website page. Your Web site "Title and Description" Tags are an essential part of this meta tag creation. The "Title, Description and Headline" Tags can berepparttar 127805 first thing any web searcher will see when they do a search onrepparttar 127806 internet.

Since first impressions are everything,repparttar 127807 importance on making "the Title, Description and Headline" meta tags readable, relevant, attractive and properly optimized are absolutely essential. The true key is not to over optimize because you are likely to be banned entirely fromrepparttar 127808 search engines if you choose to do so.

What happens whenrepparttar 127809 search engines crawl your web site?

Now that you have set up your meta information,repparttar 127810 search engines will crawl your web site and use this essential information asrepparttar 127811 brochure to your web site. When a search engine crawls your site, it determinesrepparttar 127812 relevance of this meta information compared torepparttar 127813 content on your page. The keyword Frequency on your web site should appear as much as possible on a page without being considered as something that sticks out like a sore thumb. If this does occur, you may be penalized as spamming.

How to Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

Written by Suzanne Morrison

With search engines like Google currently indexing over 8 billion pages, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a top search engine ranking. Type in a popular search phrase such as "Internet Marketing" into Yahoo or Google and you will be returned over 8 million results!

Unless your website is inrepparttar first two or three pages, it is unlikely that you will receive many visitors from search engines.

So what should a webmaster do to give their websiterepparttar 127797 best chance of ranking high inrepparttar 127798 search engines?

All search engines work slightly differently and have ever changing algorithms for ranking web pages, but these tips can be applied when planning, developing or marketing a website to help you reach that top page of search engine results.

(1) Choose your keywords carefully

It's extremely important to set aside time to research your keywords. It's best to do this inrepparttar 127799 planning stages, before developing your website, but many of us start a website without knowing a thing about howrepparttar 127800 search engines work, so you may find yourself doing this weeks or months later.

Try to choose phrases that are searched on frequently and if possible have a low number of competing websites.

To get an idea ofrepparttar 127801 number of times a keyword is searched for per month, type a keyword intorepparttar 127802 box at

Overture Search Suggestion Tool

This will tell you how many times your keyword was searched on inrepparttar 127803 previous month (based on Overture's partner search engines) and give you a list of similar keywords.

Another useful tool to help you choose your keywords is Word Tracker. This tool will help you choose your keywords and give you a "KEI" for each set of keywords based onrepparttar 127804 popularity ofrepparttar 127805 keyword (number of searches) andrepparttar 127806 amount of competition.

You can try this out for free on:


If you manage to pick your keywords inrepparttar 127807 planning stages you may even be lucky enough to find a domain name that contains your keywords.

(2) Optimise your pages

Once you have decided on your keywords you will need to optimise your pages for those keywords. Here are a few tips.

- Ensure thatrepparttar 127808 Title of your page contains your keywords.

- Mention your keywords insiderepparttar 127809 meta tags. Most search engines no longer use meta tags, but some make use of them so it is still worthwhile using these.

- Try to make sure thatrepparttar 127810 first occurance of readable text on your page contains your keywords

- Ensure that your keywords are mentioned inrepparttar 127811 initial paragraph of your page

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