Message Boards: Moderator Ethics

Written by Richard Lowe

A properly moderated message board is one ofrepparttar true pleasures ofrepparttar 119051 internet. The constant interaction of dozens or even hundreds of people in continuous conversations is a sight to behold and a joy to participate in. I have fond memories ofrepparttar 119052 countless hours I spent "talking" with friends whose faces I have seen about an endless variety of subjects.

Onrepparttar 119053 other hand, an unethical moderator creates friction, annoys people and causes an incredibly large number of problems. These message boards tend to consist of flame wars, derogatory comments and massive posts aboutrepparttar 119054 moderator (justifications and vilifications). Oftentimes,repparttar 119055 moderator will desperately attempt to controlrepparttar 119056 board by deleting posts and banning members (with virtually no success), and occasionally they may shut downrepparttar 119057 board in disgust (leaving with a vile comment or two back torepparttar 119058 members).

An ethical moderator should be a friendly presence, someone who is always present, yet is virtually invisible in many ways. Their job is to makerepparttar 119059 conversations flow smoothly, keep them on topic and keep people interested.

Some ofrepparttar 119060 tasks performed by an ethical moderator include:

- Promotingrepparttar 119061 board to obtain new blood - all boards need a constant flow of new members to survive and prosper. Without new people lurking and posting,repparttar 119062 board tends to become stale and useless.

- Gently keepingrepparttar 119063 subjects reasonably on topic - There is usually no need to bring outrepparttar 119064 sledgehammer. A simple note here and there is all that is necessary in most cases.

- Keepingrepparttar 119065 old guard happy and making new people feel welcome - This is a very critical function of any moderator. The board must be useful to both groups to thrive.

- In extreme cases, removing hostile entities - some people just want to cause trouble. A good moderator knowsrepparttar 119066 difference between a trouble maker (constantly flaming everyone, for example) and someone who is upset or does not haverepparttar 119067 best social skills.

- Actively contributes - This is a must for all good moderators. They must contribute constantly to their own boards to keeprepparttar 119068 conversations going.

A very important fact that must be remembered by all ethical moderators is they don't need to agree with a post - they just need to keep things more-or-less on topic and civil. Boards with moderators which attempt to crush all opposing views quickly degenerate to hell holes of deleted posts, banned members, flame wars and constant disruption and aggitation.

Some examples of ethically run message boards include:

Webmaster world ( - This board has a number of topics of interest to all webmasters. I like this board because it makes both old hands and newbies alike feel at home. You can tell other people like it as well because ofrepparttar 119069 massive number of posts.

Ring Manager ( - Want to learn about webrings from a group of great, caring, intelligent people? Join this message board and you will feel like you are part of a friendly group.

Ringmaster Ethics

Written by Richard Lowe

Believe it or not, being a ringmaster is a very demanding, time consuming task (when done properly). Many ringmasters just create their rings and put them on autopilot, thinking (incorrectly) that their main or only purpose is to generate traffic. Most put in a little time, just enough to make surerepparttar ring is functional, while a large minority actively manages their ring, creating special navigational systems throughrepparttar 119050 wilds ofrepparttar 119051 internet. A tiny but very visible minority actually spend more time on their ring than they do developing their site!

Our site is a member of over two hundred webrings and we actively manage over a dozen. We have spent many hours pouring over web server statistics to determine whererepparttar 119052 traffic to our site comes from. Does it come from search engines, webrings, ezine advertisements, FFA pages or link exchanges? The answer to this question is used to determine where promotional efforts are best directed.

Our analysis has led us to an inescapable conclusion: webrings are not a significant source of traffic to a site. In fact, excludingrepparttar 119053 very large rings (such asrepparttar 119054 many ones run by Random Acts Of Kindness),repparttar 119055 traffic a site gains from being a member of a webring is minor.

So why create a webring ifrepparttar 119056 benefit is not gaining traffic to your site? The answer is simple. You are not creating a "guaranteed traffic engine for only $19.95!". No indeed. When you are doing is building a small path throughrepparttar 119057 wilds ofrepparttar 119058 internet, guiding your visitors through your own personal pick of sites which reinforce your theme. You are creating a communications method between sites, all of which directly and indirectly improve your visitors overall impression of your own site and your own talents.

Following this line of reasoning directly implies that a ringmaster must have a set of standards which he or she follows in order to be sure thatrepparttar 119059 ring supports his website. If a ring is in bad shape, then it follows thatrepparttar 119060 ringmasters website is also in bad shape. Conversely, a well designed and well managed ring makesrepparttar 119061 ringmaster's site look professional and polished.

Thus,repparttar 119062 first rule of ringmaster ethics is to write up a good set of criteria which is in turn used to judge which sites can be added torepparttar 119063 ring. Once that is done, it is imperative that only sites which match those criteria are added. Of course, exceptions can be made here and there, but in general it is wise to stick torepparttar 119064 master criteria.

Let's supposerepparttar 119065 criteria simple says, "quality Star Trek sites". Okay, then make sure that all ofrepparttar 119066 sites which get added torepparttar 119067 ring are Star Trek sites, and please by all means ensure they are of high quality. If you start allowing in other sites, or your sites are not of reasonable quality, then your visitors may not only get a lower opinion of your site, they may never make it to your site at all.

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