Menopause and Osteoporosis

Written by Cathy Taylor

We know that our bodies require calcium and vitamin D in order to build and maintain powerful bones. According to his recent book entitled, “Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis,” by Dr. Alan Gaby, it takes more vitamins than we think to prevent brittle bones including Vitamins K and B; as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, silica and boron.

The idea is to provide enough combined supplementation for our bodies to make an abundance of healthy collagen which isrepparttar connective tissue used to create cartilage and bones. Collagen also ‘binds’ our cells together and as a result, someone with good collagen has healthy looking skin whereas another will have thin and wrinkled skin.

A healthy bone cut in half looks similar to a sponge. The body deposits calcium, phosphorus and other minerals onto all of those connective fibers and you get healthy bones! The holes giverepparttar 114168 bone its flexibility, and you won’t have healthy bones if you don’t have plenty of collagen on which to depositrepparttar 114169 minerals.

Collagen is primarily a protein which is made from amino acids. Our bodies can create some of our requirements but we also need additional amounts from our foods and supplements including lysine and praline. Vitamin C is also required to create collagen.

Now we know how bones can be made stronger, but how is this process affected by menopause? The loss of estrogen due to menopause or possibly surgical removal ofrepparttar 114170 ovaries can accelerate bone loss for a period of up to 8 years. It is well established that replacing that estrogen helps protect againstrepparttar 114171 risk of osteoporosis.

Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight?

Written by Yvonne Finn

Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight?

How many of your New Year's resolution start out with "I want to lose x amount of pounds"as if just saying it were some kind of magic mantra.

As ifrepparttar weight would just fall off, in response torepparttar 114167 spoken words!

Why do we not want to payrepparttar 114168 price for anything? Gaining weight is not an overnight effect and it will NOT be reversed overnight. The price for losing weight is choosing a proper diet plan and exercise routine.

And it takes discipline and, yes, WILLPOWER! No matter what you do eat, you will always have to say "NO!" to something, sometime. Choices, choices that's life!

Our society is becoming one of "it's not my fault" formerly known as "the devil made me do it". Well, let me tell you this,unless you have a physical/medical condition that makes it impossible to lose weight, it is your fault and your responsiblilty to lose those unwanted, unhealthy, unsightly and inconvenient pounds.

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