Meet Jesus' SacrificeWritten by Joyce C. Lock
Would Jesus go to through all suffering of cross If God's promises were a lie?Do we truly believe The entire Bible is infallible word of God When we discount its application To modern day church? When Jesus said we could do works He'd done And even more, Did He really mean just some of them? When authority gets heart service, But God gets lip service, Have leaders become our gods? Jesus respected authority. But, who did He bow to? If we don't know how to do works Jesus did, Isn't He best One to learn from?
| | Only Two PathsWritten by Joyce C. Lock
Once upon a time, there was a retarded young man whose heart's desire was to go out on church visitation. One might wonder what good a retarded person could accomplish. But, it was decided to let him go. He walked up to a strange door, in a strange neighborhood, and knocked. A man answered door. The young man asked, "Are you going to Heaven?" The homeowner answered, "No." Then, young man responded, "Well, go to Hell then." They tell me this was a true story and stark shock of that incident caused man to realize his need for God. Thus, he became saved. Though we might get our lights punched out for trying same, it would be just as good were we to look at "either ors" in our life with just as much boldness and honesty.