Medicine From Recommended Pharmacies

Written by Bobby Stark

With prescription medicines, there are so many choices to choose from and it is not easy finding cheaper and effective alternatives. Does your Government pay for all your healths cost, or are you uninsured and you haverepparttar burden of 100% ofrepparttar 114526 cost for your family’s health care. If you have health care coverage, what percentage do you have to pay?

Once you decide what category you fall under, you need to decide which medicine is right for you. Trying to save money on your prescriptions may not be for you but forrepparttar 114527 vast majority of us who are not well off, we have to shop around for a cheaper source of quality prescriptions.

This brings us torepparttar 114528 internet with even more questions. A recent Google search forrepparttar 114529 word “pharmacy” came up with over 29 million possibilities. So out ofrepparttar 114530 29 million WebPages. Which pharmacies have good quality prescriptions, which ones are fly-by night and which ones have good customer service? That is where an online pharmacy review site comes in.

FDA Orders Search Engines to Stop Online Pharmacies

Written by Bobby Stark

How Does Online Pharmacies Affect Pharmacy Leaders?

With cheaper drugs made available online, big pharmacy companies are losing control of their monopolistic control overrepparttar pharmacy industry. They are not able to compete with these online pharmacies with their exorbitant drug prices. FDA moves in and tries to protect these companies from online pharmacies by trying to censor online information from users. What FDA does not know aboutrepparttar 114525 internet is: nobody controls internet andrepparttar 114526 spread of information overrepparttar 114527 web. Even major search engines like Google have no control overrepparttar 114528 use of information onrepparttar 114529 web. Google protects and encourages free speech onrepparttar 114530 web and that is why searching online for products is so good- you can find anything online these days. If major pharmaceutical leaders cannot compete with online pharmacies' prices, they should look to resolvingrepparttar 114531 situation themselves, not use FDA or use political pressures. What good isrepparttar 114532 internet if certain products are censored?

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