Medical Information for Foreign Travelers

Written by Herb Williams

If an American citizen becomes seriously ill or injured abroad, a U. S. consular officer can assist in locating appropriate medical services and informing family or friends. If necessary, a consular officer can also assist in repparttar transfer of funds fromrepparttar 137773 United States. However, payment of hospital and other expenses isrepparttar 137774 responsibility ofrepparttar 137775 traveler.

Before going abroad, learn what medical services your health insurance will cover overseas. If your health insurance policy provides coverage outsiderepparttar 137776 United States, REMEMBER to carry both your insurance policy identity card as proof of such insurance and a claim form. Although many health insurance companies will pay "customary and reasonable" hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for your medical evacuation back torepparttar 137777 United States. Medical evacuation can easily cost $10,000 and up, depending on your location and medical condition.


Senior citizens may wish to contactrepparttar 137778 American Association of Retired Persons for information about foreign medical care coverage with Medicare supplement plans.

To facilitate identification in case of an accident, completerepparttar 137779 information page onrepparttar 137780 inside of your passport providingrepparttar 137781 name, address and telephone number of someone to be contacted in an emergency.

A traveler going abroad with any preexisting medical problems should carry a letter fromrepparttar 137782 attending physician, describingrepparttar 137783 medical condition and any prescription medications, includingrepparttar 137784 generic name of prescribed drugs. Any medications being carried overseas should be left in their original containers and be clearly labeled. Travelers should check withrepparttar 137785 foreign embassy ofrepparttar 137786 country they are visiting to make sure any required medications are not considered to be illegal narcotics.

Maximize Your Cruise Wardrobe With These Packing Tips

Written by Lee Dobbins

Cruises are a fun opportunity to dress up and look your best but how do you look fresh every day without bringing your whole closet?

The first thing you need to think about is what type of clothing you will need. Will you be attending fancy dinners or dressing casualrepparttar whole time? Is there a theme party you would like to attend? Will you be dancing until dawn in your best dance dress? Some of these may necessitate bringing special attire and you want to make sure you have room set aside in your luggage for this.

If you will be dressing for dinner, one way to stretch your cruise wardrobe is to coordinate separates. Stick to no more than 3 coordinating colors such as black, white and tan. This way you can bring 1 pair of slacks, 1 skirt, 2 nice shirts and 2 jackets and make them look like 8 brand new and fresh outfits by mixing up what piece you wear with what. For example,repparttar 137638 slacks paired with shirt 1 and jacket 1 could be one outfit, substitute shirt 2 withrepparttar 137639 same slacks and jacket for a whole new look! Now substituterepparttar 137640 skirt in and you get another whole new look! In addition, you can use scarves and accessories to give each outfit a whole new look.

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