Medical Information about Bextra

Written by Michael Monheit, Esquire, Monheit Law, PC

Medical Information Bextra can cause extreme side effects, including (but not limited to)repparttar following:

Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, potentially fatal, systemic allergic reaction involving various areas ofrepparttar 114636 body such asrepparttar 114637 skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system. Unlike Stevens Johnson Syndrome, these symptoms occur within minutes and up to two hours after contact withrepparttar 114638 allergy-causing substance, but in rare instances may occur up to four hours later.

Angioedema refers to swelling that occurs inrepparttar 114639 tissue just belowrepparttar 114640 surface ofrepparttar 114641 skin. It generally results from an allergic reaction to either a food or medication. It may be a sign of an underlying condition such as leukemia or Hodgkin's disease. This is often associated with Stevens Johnson syndrome.

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is a life-threatening skin disorder characterized by blistering and peeling ofrepparttar 114642 top layer of skin. This disorder can be caused by a drug reaction to penicillin but has now been linked to Bextra.

Erythema Multiforme (EM) is an acute self-limited eruption characterized by a distinctive clinical eruption,repparttar 114643 hallmark of which isrepparttar 114644 iris or target lesion. EM may be present within a wide spectrum of severity. EM minor represents a localized eruption ofrepparttar 114645 skin with mild or no mucosal involvement, corresponding torepparttar 114646 initial description of von Hebra. EM major and Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS) are more severe mucosal and skin diseases as well as potentially life-threatening disorders.

Coffee and Health

Written by Iulia Pascanu

Coffee and health used to be a controversed theme inrepparttar seventies. Nowadays, moderate coffee consumption is rather exonerated from its supposed negative long term effects upon health.

My mother used to be one of those persons who teaches her offspring, in its early ages, that coffee is not bad. It is bad bad bad! In consequence, I managed to keep away from coffee. At least untillrepparttar 114635 difficult age of 10, when, as I remember, I was permitted to join mother and neighbour-friends atrepparttar 114636 coffee-tattle table.

That wasrepparttar 114637 moment I started to exercise my taste buds on coffee. In those days, I remember developping a partiality for coffee with milk. Or should I say milk with coffee... However, I know now thatrepparttar 114638 coffee I was drinking back then was indeed, not so good. Preground, over boiled, sometimes brewed overrepparttar 114639 grounds fromrepparttar 114640 other day, could you think of worst? No wonder I wanted to hyde those hideous characteristics with tones of milk.

Inrepparttar 114641 meantime, I probably took a good sip of coffee onrepparttar 114642 road and woke-up to a much more pleasant reality. Coffee is not bad. It is good good good. But why are there so many voices whispering that coffee and health don't go well together? Caffeine

Call it food or beverage, coffee is free of any nutritional value, and, as indecent as it may sound, we consume it exclusively for pleasure.

Yes,repparttar 114643 caffeine content in coffee is partialy responsible for that pleasure. Caffeine acts as a mild stimulent overrepparttar 114644 central nervous system, that results in better memory, better judgements and ideea-associations, better moovement-coordination.

A single serve espresso contains somewhere among 80 and 120 milligrams of caffeine. A normal cup of coffee (even drip coffee) contains about 100 - 150 milligrams of caffeine. This is what commonsense calls moderate consumption at one sit. Within several hours (varying from one person to another) caffeine is eliminated fromrepparttar 114645 body. Refering to average coffee drinker again, s/he can have three or four sips (servings) of coffee every day aside from any health risk.

The thing about coffee is quiterepparttar 114646 same as with other foods and beverages. The effects vary withrepparttar 114647 dosing: moderate can be medicine, too much can be poison. The average coffee drinker can experience nocive effects after ingesting 550 milligrams (women) and 700 milligrams (men) at one sit. These effects reffer to headaches, nausea, petulance. The caffeine overdose is beeing speculated around 10 grams. I say, it would be impossible to reach it exclusively by drinking coffee, as you should ingest 100 cups at one sit. However, if you succeed, it may berepparttar 114648 last thing you'll ever do.

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