Maximum Marketing - Minimum Budget

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Two years ago I started my small Virtual Assistant business with a non-existent marketing budget. I borrowed marketing books fromrepparttar library, read countless articles onrepparttar 121264 Internet and joined a professional trade association of my peers. I learned hundreds of marketing techniques and one valuable lesson. The lesson I learned is thatrepparttar 121265 financial ruin of large companies is often achieved by incredibly expensive and glitzy marketing plans that do not take into accountrepparttar 121266 company's ability to earn a profit. Over time, I found thatrepparttar 121267 most effective marketing techniques that allow a company to make a profit are those that are inexpensive or free. What a fantastic discovery for me at that time! This knowledge, combined with hard work and excellent customer service, enabled my small business to expand at a phenomenal rate.

When developing your marketing plan be aware that frugal marketing techniques take more time and a great deal of personal creativity but they DO produce results! Following are a few of my most successful frugal marketing techniques:


It is not necessary to spend thousands of dollars on a beautiful website. Some ofrepparttar 121268 most effective and interesting websites I have seen were built on a frugal budget. Far more important thanrepparttar 121269 cost isrepparttar 121270 content of a website. At a minimum your website should include your company name, contact information, tagline or slogan, company/owner biography, a list of services, a client list or list of testimonials, articles or press releases you have written and any interesting information related to your business that might be of help to your visitors. It is essential that you use a paid web host and not a free service. Free hosting may exclude you from search engine listings and may brand you as a neophyte in your field when that impression may not be correct. Inexpensive hosting is available and many hosts provide free or low cost web templates that will give your site a polished and consistent look. For a list of affordable web hosts visitrepparttar 121271 Web Host Directory and Host Review. Having a well-developed website will help you leveragerepparttar 121272 results of your other frugal marketing techniques and, inrepparttar 121273 long run, will save you money by reducingrepparttar 121274 overall cost and shipping of your marketing materials.

Public Relations

Create a press release and submit it to your local newspaper. Highlightrepparttar 121275 unusual aspects of your business and educaterepparttar 121276 reader about your business and your industry. Do not simply promote your own company, but promoterepparttar 121277 industry as a whole. Position your business as unique in that industry by explaining, for example, how your company takes a novel approach to delivering products or services. Takerepparttar 121278 same press release and format it forrepparttar 121279 Internet. Submit it to as many free press release sites that you can find such as, and USA News. For added impact, searchrepparttar 121280 Newslink website to find other community newspapers in your state that might be interested in your business news. Follow standard press release formatting and be sure to add that you are available for interviews in your contact information section as this opensrepparttar 121281 door for feature interviews during slow "news" weeks for local papers. Send out a press release every quarter or at least twice a year. Always include your website's URL in any marketing materials and press releases. For more information about press releases including formatting visitrepparttar 121282 Netpreneur Exchange, Infoscavenger and Pertinent Information.


Sponsor local or on-line contests by providing a prize. This could be one of your products or a coupon for two or three hours of your services. In return you will receive valuable free publicity. Find local contests, which would welcome your participation by scanning your community newspaper. Target on-line contests by surfing for well-established companies that compliment your own. For example, if you sell wine glasses, you should seek a company that sells wine and offer a set of wine glasses as a contest prize. Another option is to search for e-zines (on-line newsletters) that cover a topic related to your business and askrepparttar 121283 editor about partnering to offer a contest to readers with your product or service asrepparttar 121284 prize. You can find e-zines by searching on-line directories such as, The Ezine Directory or Ezine Search.

5 Common Advertising Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

Written by Bob Leduc


These 5 common advertising mistakes cause you to lose sales. But you can easily avoid these mistakes once you become aware of them.


Many businesses reduce their advertising when they are getting plenty of sales. Then they increase their advertising when sales decline. This pattern of stop and go advertising creates a repeating cycle of high sales volume and low sales volume. It also preventsrepparttar business from growing.

Develop and follow a plan of regularly scheduled advertising regardless of your sales volume. Continuous advertising produces steady growth. It also reducesrepparttar 121263 time you have to spend on making advertising decisions.


Businesses often devote all of their advertising efforts to attracting new customers. But they devote little or no effort to cultivating these prospects for future sales.

Most prospective customers will not buyrepparttar 121264 first time they hear or see your sales message. But many will buy later if you follow up with them. Your follow up can be as simple as contacting them periodically with a new offer.

TIP: Customers are prospects too. Stay in contact with them. Find or develop other products or services you can offer them. It's easier to make a sale to a previous customer than to someone who never bought from you.


Businesses often copy their competitors advertising ideas. This can be effective for a short time. But results quickly decline as more and more competitors copyrepparttar 121265 same idea.

Instead of copying your competitors advertising ideas, improve on them. Create something better - something your competitors cannot copy.

For example, give your customers a reason to buy from you instead of from a competitor. This can be as simple as including a unique bonus only you can offer - or providing repparttar 121266 personal attention your competitors are not willing or able to provide.


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