Maximizing Your Nutrition Dollar

Written by Karen Walker

Gettingrepparttar most nutrition for every dollar spent is of great concern for those interested in maintaining good health. Yet forrepparttar 142558 average consumer,repparttar 142559 nutrition derived from fresh food dollars has substantially decreased overrepparttar 142560 past three decades. Why is this happening and what can be done about it?

Everyone wants good nutrition fromrepparttar 142561 foods we eat and we are encouraged to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Yet in light ofrepparttar 142562 methods used to bring food to our tables, getting even minimal levels of nutrients fromrepparttar 142563 foods we eat can be a challenge. Why is it such a challenge to get good nutrition from our most basic foods?

The answer lies in many ofrepparttar 142564 habits of our modern lifestyle. We no longer live on farms, so our foods often must travel great distances from field to table. Because consumers demand produce with an attractive (read ‘perfect’) appearance,repparttar 142565 food industry focus is on producing fruits and vegetables that ship well, not nutrient content. Picked green inrepparttar 142566 field and shipped in cold storage, many types of produce that look great inrepparttar 142567 store fail to produce optimal nutrients that develop only inrepparttar 142568 ripe state, or lose much of their nutrients in cold dark conditions. Examples of this are tomatoes and lettuce. Vine ripened tomatoes are proven to contain higher levels of beta-carotene, lycopene and soluble fiber than green picked fruit. Lettuce loses up to 46% of certain nutrients within 7 days of cold, dark storage.

Another reason for nutrient poor produce isrepparttar 142569 very soils they are grown in. Soils throughout North America have been depleted sincerepparttar 142570 ‘dust bowl’ years ofrepparttar 142571 1930’s. Soil depletion is a problem worldwide, because of poor farming methods that take fromrepparttar 142572 soil without returningrepparttar 142573 minerals vital to good health. Modern methods replace onlyrepparttar 142574 minerals necessary for good plant growth, not trace minerals essential for human health. Although this trend is beginning to be reversed by today’s organic farmer’s careful cultivation ofrepparttar 142575 soil, depletion continues to be a problem throughoutrepparttar 142576 world with little attention paid torepparttar 142577 contribution of trace minerals to good health.

How to stay healthy

Written by Anonymous

Question : I AM a 33-year-old male smoker who often suffers from coughs and colds. How can I improve my health?

Answer : ON average, adults have two to four colds a year. The symptoms may vary butrepparttar typical cold starts with a sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion and a runny nose, frequently followed by a cough that can linger for a week to 10 days.

You may catch a cold - or flu - if you have a weak immune system. There are no cures forrepparttar 142557 common cold. However, there are numerous alternative and folk remedies worth trying to alleviate cold symptoms.

Get plenty of rest. Drink extra fluids to thinrepparttar 142558 mucus. A cool-mist humidifier to increase air moisture can relieve nasal symptoms. Abstain from smoking and stay away from smoky or polluted environment as these may prolong cold symptoms. Hot baths or alternating warm and cool showers will help you feel better.

Forrepparttar 142559 immune system to function vigilantly, you must have good nutrition and take some supplements to boost it.

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