Maximizing E-mail Security ROI - Part V – A New Twist to an Old Problem: Email Encryption

Written by CipherTrust

This isrepparttar last of a five-part series on Maximizing Email Security ROI.

Throughoutrepparttar 109481 ages, people have encrypted communications to suit their information security needs.

Inrepparttar 109482 1st century B.C., Julius Caesar didn’t trustrepparttar 109483 couriers who carried his messages to trusted acquaintances. So, he replaced every A with a D, every B with an E, and so on, allrepparttar 109484 way throughrepparttar 109485 alphabet. Only those who knew Caesar’s shift-by-three rule could decipher his messages. Over 2000 years later, we’re still trying to protect our messages from prying eyes (If you have not read CipherTrust's white paper on Privacy Architecture, you can download it free here).

Inrepparttar 109486 Information Age, email isrepparttar 109487 primary method of communication for businesses aroundrepparttar 109488 world. While email has become a mission-critical application, it also raises important privacy and security concerns. Sensitive personal and business communications are vulnerable torepparttar 109489 prying eyes of hackers, industrial spies and others who would love to have access to information not intended for them. Because of these risks, businesses are realizingrepparttar 109490 value of encrypting their email communications to protect vital information while in transit from origin to destination.

Asset/IP protection

Enterprises that fail to adequately protect information in transit acrossrepparttar 109491 Internet risk revealing their most vital secrets. Each unencrypted email exposes sensitive data – from confidential financial and product information to legal contracts to files that include personally identifying information such as Social Security numbers, birthdates, credit card numbers and bank account numbers.

Failure to encrypt email communication is akin to sending a digital postcard into cyberspace. Sure, there’s a chance that it will reach its destination without crossing a snooping pair of eyes, but there’s also a chance that it won’t. You wouldn’t send a postcard with your vital trade secrets, financial data and customer information on it, so why would you send an unencrypted email containingrepparttar 109492 same?

Compliance and Liability

Maximizing E-mail Security ROI - Part IV – The Digital Monsters under Your Bed: E-Mail Intruders

Written by CipherTrust

This isrepparttar last of a five-part series on Maximizing Email Security ROI.

Remember your kid fears? As soon asrepparttar 109480 lights went out,repparttar 109481 monsters under your bed began plotting ways to get you. Somehow, though, you always managed to outsmart them and make it throughrepparttar 109482 night. Then one night you grew up, andrepparttar 109483 monsters went away for good.

Well, they're back. And they've unionized.

International rings of hackers, many backed by funds from organized crime groups, arerepparttar 109484 new monsters hiding under your bed-only now they'll attack in broad daylight. They've realized that there's money to be made by breaking into your network-lots of money-and they want their "fair share." They have advanced degrees, financial motivation and plenty of time to figure out ways around software-based e-mail intrusion "solutions" (yes, evenrepparttar 109485 really, really expensive one you just installed-sorry).

Once hackers have discovered a way into your network, all bets are off. They have access to any information residing on your servers, including your customer database, employee personnel files, bank account numbers and proprietary product information. They can run denial-of-service attacks to take down mail servers and disrupt your work environment. They can hijack your servers and use them as "spam cannons," sending millions of fraudulent e-mails purporting to be from your company. In short, they can do whatever they want.

This week's newsletter will identifyrepparttar 109486 specific dangers posed by network intrusions and explain how keeping these new monsters from stealingrepparttar 109487 digital lifeblood of your enterprise can ensure that your investment in network security is handsomely rewarded.

Determining E-mail Security ROI

When attempting to extract meaningful hard-cost data to evaluate e-mail security ROI, damages can be broken into two categories: Ongoing or Catastrophic. Ongoing costs tend to occur continually and increase in scale. For instance, a 10% increase in spam volume will result in 10% higher costs. Catastrophic costs, onrepparttar 109488 other hand, are "one-and-done" losses that are intermittent but categorically high when they occur. An example of a catastrophic cost would be a single security breach that allowed theft of proprietary intellectual property, causing millions of dollars in losses. In general, failure to prevent e-mail intrusions will result in expenditures that qualify as catastrophic.


Last week's IronMail Insider discussedrepparttar 109489 costs associated with allowing inappropriate material to crossrepparttar 109490 enterprise gateway or pass between workstations. The lawsuits resulting from companies failing to enforce e-mail policy and being held responsible forrepparttar 109491 messages crossing their networks all resulted in catastrophic costs torepparttar 109492 enterprise.

As with policy enforcement (and encryption,repparttar 109493 topic of next week's newsletter), intrusion prevention is paramount to a company's efforts to comply with legislation regarding customer, financial and patient information security. Federal legislation such as HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley and GLBA provides for steep financial penalties for corporations which fail to takerepparttar 109494 necessary steps to ensure information security (up to $250,000 per incident). In addition, potential arrests and criminal charges for company officers, and costly lawsuits from customers and patients should provide allrepparttar 109495 incentive necessary for companies to do anything possible to protect classified information.

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