Matters of the Heart

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Being raised in a house full of girls, gift giving for guys left us idea poor. Shopping for dad was no exception. When asked what he needed, he would respond, "A million dollars and a barrel of spending money." Though humorous, not only was it an impossible gift to provide but, it was not even a need.

So, if I asked what your need is, could you tell me? Would you know what it is?

Perhaps you long, not lust, for something andrepparttar feeling will not go away. Maybe your heart is aching or breaking. You might either be crying in your sleep or yourself to sleep. A situation could be holding you back; controlling, crushing, or compelling you. But whateverrepparttar 129135 effect; a void, emptiness, and longing remains that seems to have no hope or resolution ~ wherein your world will never totally otherwise be right.

Focusing on circumstances takes our eyes off God. Failing to separate it from need makes us prone to praying in our will instead of His (Ja. 4:3).

If in examining your heart, that every action and motive is pure, you findrepparttar 129136 need to really be necessary for your heart's survival; search to definerepparttar 129137 need. Whenrepparttar 129138 answer comes, you have foundrepparttar 129139 need of your heart and God's will for you.

Man may have a problem with such a bold statement, but God does not. According to Jesus, it makes others suffer when they are told they can not come to Him.


Written by Joyce C. Lock

We convince ourselves that life will be better when we have a baby or another one. When we finally get what we thought we wanted, we find ourselves exhausted. Then, we conclude we will be more content whenrepparttar children are older.

Only, they do get older. Then, we have teenagers to deal with. Surely, happiness will come once they have outgrown that stage. But, no, wait. They leaverepparttar 129132 nest.

We tell ourselves that life will be complete when our spouse gets their act together, when we get a nicer car, when we get a raise, when we have grandchildren, or when we are able to go on a nicer vacation.

The truth is, there is no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It is best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness isrepparttar 129133 way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special enough to share your time with; and remember that time waits for no one.

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