Matrix and the NSTP ( Non - Spatial Thinking Process ) Theory

Written by Dr Kedar Joshi FSS PBSSI MRI

The NSTP ( Non - Spatial Thinking Process ) theory isrepparttar most advanced, theoretically accurate, unificatory theory that is deeply related torepparttar 127587 idea ofrepparttar 127588 whole world to be a matrix. Throughrepparttar 127589 NSTP theoretical perspective space (as a room or void out there) is a projection of non - spatial mind, which isrepparttar 127590 reality. Space is a mere form of illusion, a virtual reality. Thusrepparttar 127591 theory speaks of two worlds : 1. Spatial (the pseudo one) and 2.

Crop Circles and Genetic Knowledge

Written by Robert Bruce Baird


The crop circle enigma is not always a hoax. I am not able to see how someone could do a massive design overnight inrepparttar cases whererepparttar 127586 plants have their stems broken from within. Yes, that isrepparttar 127587 case in what I considerrepparttar 127588 real crop circles. The wheat or other plants haverepparttar 127589 stalk exploded from within andrepparttar 127590 stalks can be bent at a distance uprepparttar 127591 stalk which would not happen ifrepparttar 127592 use of weighty rollers was applied to them. Thus we are able to speculate many things but I see no reason for it to be aliens or at least not a visit in physical form by extra-terrestrials.

There are many segments of this book that coverrepparttar 127593 science of energy and its lattice designs that I think relate to this phenomena. The designs are sometimes advanced mathematical theorems and there are many Keltic designs. The Kelts or their Druids and shamans were in tune withrepparttar 127594 Earth Energy Grid and that Grid is part ofrepparttar 127595 larger Cosmic Thought Field that Affinity connects across universe. Thus if it is a message from some intelligence insiderepparttar 127596 Earth’s ‘event horizon’ or local area network of dimensions we would expect to see Keltic designs ifrepparttar 127597 Druids were in fact making representations of their attunements.

Why this simple factual and historically based observation is not made by other authors is beyond me. But I am constantly amazed by people’s ability to denyrepparttar 127598 simple and obvious that is around them allrepparttar 127599 time. I can see whyrepparttar 127600 media and paid hacks in academic circles do not wish to integrate history and ancient advanced sciences like Harmonics into their writings. The governments do not wantrepparttar 127601 truth ofrepparttar 127602 ancient Brotherhood to become common knowledge. They benefit greatly byrepparttar 127603 common perception that man is advancing and improving and man once was stupid and superstitious or a barbarian and hunched-back cave dweller. But I amrepparttar 127604 proud part owner of artifacts that go back torepparttar 127605 pre-Ice Age period which show giraffes and lions as well as kaleidoscopic stones that function as books or almost a video. Thus I am in possession of a form of proof seldom seen inrepparttar 127606 annals of propaganda called scholarly or academic.

There are many possible ways that these rocks and electrum (80% gold) masks or other artifacts could be made. Allrepparttar 127607 ways are outside of what we creditrepparttar 127608 ancients with having. Lasers, sound rays or sonic drills, andrepparttar 127609 ability to alterrepparttar 127610 structural make up of matter through spiritual or mental attunement are possibly involved. Intelligence or consciousness does associate or coagulate and form banks of energy similar to each other. I first wrote about this some four decades ago as a teenager trying to explainrepparttar 127611 phenomena of ghosts and elementals.

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