Marketing virtual ou SPAM?

Written by Ruben Zevallos Jr.

Uma das primeiras coisas que se pensa quando uma empresa se conecta na Internet, é o pensamento de usar o e-mail para mandar malas diretas promovendo seus produtos e serviços. SPAM? - Existem várias histórias sobre o nome, entre o filme com do Mont Pyton, carne enlatada SPAM entre outras. O que o realmente o SPAM quer dizer e-mail não solicitada enviados em quantidade, ou seja, os destinatário deram autorização para envio. Antes da Internet, as empresas se comunicavam com o mercado, usando o correio e eventualmente via Fax. Toda mala direta requeria um grande planejamento devido aos custos de desenvolvimento, impressão e envio do material, a correspondência precisava ser bem definida para acertar o alvo e fisgar o destinatário. Mesmo assim, você poderia processar alguma empresa inoportuna, pelo envio excessivo de cartas. O custo da Internet, está dividido entre milhares de redes interconectadas, onde cada um paga a sua conexão. Você paga pela sua conexão à Internet, o seu provedor paga para conectar às grandes redes e assim por diante. O custo varia de acordo com o tipo de conexão e o limite da taxa de transferência, a banda passante. Na Internet, e-mail enviada ou recebida utiliza os recursos de banda e de processamento dos servidores de e-mail. Quando você envia um e-mail é recebida pelo servidor, que processa, envia ao servidor de destino, que processa e guarda na caixa postal do destinatário, para depois ele possa baixar e ler. Coisa Séria - O SPAM, é uma coisa ruim, corresponde a 40% do tráfego utilizado na Internet. Ele enche a caixa postal, consome espaço do servidor de e-mail, toma tempo baixando e principalmente, tomando o meu tempo e de milhões de pessoas do mundo para selecionar e excluir as mensagens indesejadas. Não existe SPAM legítimo, como também não existe o 105º congresso de anti-spam. Nem mesmo aquelas mensagens que o pessoal procura dizer que não é SPAM porque tem a opção de exclusão.

Ministry or Social Club?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink withrepparttar drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion withrepparttar 147124 hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 24:48-51

Ministry or Social Club?

When ye come together to eat, tarry one for another ... that ye come not together unto condemnation. 1 Cor. 11:33-34

So, what religion does your church like to condemn? Or, who is on your group's personal hit list? Maybe your family has roasted preacher for lunch? Though, surely, most are eager to gather information about one caught or thought to be in sin.

Some online groups determine those who share writings, but don't share their life's details, are less valuable to that group. Others conclude that those who don't write arerepparttar 147125 ones less valuable. Members may not all be likewise gifted ~ but multiplyrepparttar 147126 group's seed as they utilize it to minister to more. So, while your hands may have donerepparttar 147127 work, others serve as your feet.

Still yet, some may enjoy all your e-mail shares but think you're anywhere from impersonal to a SPAMMER, and your ministry inferior, if you don't spend additional hours inrepparttar 147128 chat rooms. Yes, we all know that fellowship can be great! Though, Jesus' calling wasn't to be served. So, who are we to say any different, when He calls another likewise?

Besides, I thought we stopped telling people their service is inferior, when we came torepparttar 147129 net, and God saysrepparttar 147130 part we have to offer is accepted with Him.

One feels even less welcomed when a group requires participation in specified, more active, ways than others either have time or skill for. Then, when demand is given to otherwise leave, allrepparttar 147131 while they're praying you might find a place in your heart for them, 'no room inrepparttar 147132 inn' comes to mind.

Churches often determine poets are not needed among their already exciting ministries. So, God must be calling them to use that ministry elsewhere, right? Well, it is true that, when man closes a door, God opens more. But, God sent that poem for someone within your church first ... and you deny Him? Just because you have no need does not mean that another member doesn't.

Then there are those so skilled in knowledge thatrepparttar 147133 layperson has no idea what they're saying, whilerepparttar 147134 skilled refer to feedingrepparttar 147135 layperson as 'whitewashing'. Perhaps it was forgotten that Paul met people where they were, not where others thought they should be, and he referred to his teaching as 'milk' ... and to everything there is a purpose.

But,repparttar 147136 really big blow torepparttar 147137 soul is when one gets judged for things others only imagined.

Whether good seed or bad, it multiplies and, once judging begins, we all end up angry. And, for all else that could possibly be said, I taught you better than that.

And thoughrepparttar 147138 list could keep going,repparttar 147139 point is ...

1.) stop mockingrepparttar 147140 cross.

Forrepparttar 147141 love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again. 2 Cor. 5:14-15

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