Marketing on the Cheap: Write? Right!!

Written by Floyd Snyder

We all knowrepparttar value of writing articles for promoting your website or online store. However, writing articles to promote your old-fashioned, traditional brick and mortar business has been around forever.

Contact your local newspapers, and chances are, depending on what business you are in, they may be interested in giving you your own column. Most small or medium-sized media markets will have at least one daily servingrepparttar 119704 communities and probably at least one weekly newspaper. Offer to supply a weekly or even a monthly column for free. They are always looking for editorial content and "free" is always attractive. Be careful about a daily commitment, this can get overly demanding in a hurry.

It may be a little more difficult to approachrepparttar 119705 Los Angeles Times orrepparttar 119706 New York Times, but in major media markets there are any number of regional weeklies that can be approached.

Other considerations may be regional or even national trade publications, Chamber of Commerce newsletter or other professional associations and organizations you may belong to.

If you can’t getrepparttar 119707 column for free, don’t be afraid to pay for it. But make surerepparttar 119708 layout is designed to look as much as possible like a regular story or editorial content. The paper will probably require that you put some sort of disclaimer on your column likerepparttar 119709 word "advertising", but this is not a big deal.

Have a professional photo taken and include it in you articles whenever possible. Don’t use your high school photo or one that is touched up to make you look totally different than you actually do. You are trying to build recognition and credibility. After your column has run for some time, you will be surprised how many people will easily recognize you. People like to do business with people they know.

Okay, so now you have own column; make good use of it. Give it value. Do not make it a blatant advertisement and/or sales pitch. In fact, except in extremely rare occasions you probably don’t want to sell anything directly in your column at all. You want to write real content, stories that are either of real value or entertaining. I had a friend once that owned a restaurant. He paid to have his own column in our local newspaper. He never once wrote a story about his own restaurant. Instead he wrote about his world travels, famous chefs, andrepparttar 119710 wonderful restaurants he had enjoyed.

Another approach you may want to consider is a "How To" column. I once supplied a weekly column for an art gallery/picture-framing studio. We wrote a series of how to buy and frame your own artwork.

Internet Marketing Help

Written by Jack Elmy

If you’re looking for Internet marketing help you’ve come torepparttar right place. Below you will find several tips to help you navigate your way throughrepparttar 119703 mystifying world of promoting your website and e-commerce business.

Internet Marketing Help Hint #1: Surveys: To find out what your customer thinks of your site try using a survey. A little constructive criticism can go a long way in helping you build a quality site that people are eager to visit and refer others to visit. There are very few other ways to find out what your customer really thinks, wants and needs besides a survey. If you’re concerned that people won’t takerepparttar 119704 time to complete a survey you can always entice them with something for free in exchange for completingrepparttar 119705 survey or even adding their name to a pool for a giveaway.

Internet Marketing Help Hint #2: Guestbook: Members of your target audience that are skeptical by nature want some reassurance that you’re who you say you are and that your product or service really delivers. Adding a guestbook to your site can help to reassure your customer by providing comments from others who visited your site, found something useful and were satisfied. If you are concerned that you might end up with rude or vulgar comments that hurt your reputation more than help, it is very easy to add a guestbook that allows you to preview any comments before they are posted. With this type of guestbook you haverepparttar 119706 control over whether to delete a comment or allow it to be inserted on your site. One bad apple doesn’t have to spoilrepparttar 119707 basket.

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