Marketing is More Than a Token Process

Written by Kathleen Gage

“Necessity isrepparttar mother of invention!” The first time I heard this was nearly twenty years ago when I was introduced to Tony Robbins’ material. I was listening to, and applying, information from his thirty day series. I have to admit,repparttar 141811 first time I heard this it didn’t quite register.

However, nearly two decades later, it makes allrepparttar 141812 sense inrepparttar 141813 world. In fact, a majority ofrepparttar 141814 things we take for granted were created out of a need. Whenrepparttar 141815 need became great enough, someone figured out a solution.

Such isrepparttar 141816 case with a new eBook that just hitrepparttar 141817 market - Tokens for TV. The idea for this informative book isrepparttar 141818 brainchild of working mom, Lisa Workman. As she explains it, about a year ago, she and her husband were struggling with how to get their kids to take an interest in choosing how much television and computer time they were spending each day. She came up with a system that not only limited how much TV/Computer time they received, but also took out some ofrepparttar 141819 parental nagging and placed some responsibility on their shoulders. She came up with a simple solution to helping children manage their television and computer time.

Seeing how effective her system is, friends started asking her how it worked. After numerous requests, she began writing downrepparttar 141820 system and eventually fine tuned it torepparttar 141821 point it became her now popular eBook, Tokens for TV.

An exciting aspect of this resource is thatrepparttar 141822 information aligns perfectly with Lisa’s personal and professional vision and mission. She is extremely committed to providing quality information to families while promoting healthy lifestyles for children. However, something Lisa realizes is that without an effective marketing campaign to promote Tokens for TV there are many people who will never know how effectiverepparttar 141823 system can be.

Lisa has put together a very effective campaign which includes full use of her Tokens for TV website, free reports, and article distribution both online and off, interviews withrepparttar 141824 media and viral marketing. Her marketing plan was developed long beforerepparttar 141825 eBook was taken to market. Without a doubt, she will be successful in gettingrepparttar 141826 word out.

Set Up Your Own Blog Free

Written by Jim Edwards

I've received a lot of email lately from people asking how they can set up their own blogs for family, friends, or business purposes without spending much money or hiring an expensive programmer or web developer.

Well, ask no more because I will now show you exactly how to get your own blog without dipping too far into your own pocket (if at all) and get up and running, even if you don't have your own website, hosting account, or domain name.

You basically get two choices when it comes to setting up a blog: host it yourself, or use a service that hostsrepparttar blog for you.

Each one carries advantages based on your level of skill, experience and how many options you want to add to your blog.

If you choose to host your blog on your own website, then you can pick from a number of different options, including and

However, if you don't want to host it yourself, you can also go to, put inrepparttar 141779 term "free blog" and obtain a long list of services that will host a blog for you, either free of charge or for a fee.

Probablyrepparttar 141780 best-known free blog service resides at

Recently purchased by Google, Blogger boasts thousands of blogs on topics ranging from ecommerce to pet manners.

Blogger enables you to set up a functional blog in about 5 minutes and start posting your thoughts, rants, or family facts withrepparttar 141781 world.

Log on to and find another free option offered by Microsoft's online service, MSN.

This service makes it a bit easier to share photos than Blogger, which requires a separate software tool called Picasa (also available from Google for free).

MSN's blogger service also seems to appeal more to individuals sharing their thoughts than to businesses trying to scare up new customers or get their links crawled by search engine spiders (another advantage of publishing a blog).

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