Marketing and Product Development Magic

Written by David Cameron Gikandi

If you are like most people, you probably have a constant desire to get ahead in life, personally or in your business or career. Here, we shall look at two areas of life and how you can make them happen faster and more powerfully successful. The two areas we shall look at are marketing and product or business development. Whether you are employed or self-employed, you are always marketing something. You market yourself, your skills, your products or your business. And no matter what you are, you are always developing. You develop yourself, your products or your business. Now, let us look at a magical process you can use to get ahead in marketing or any area of development.

Step 1

Reasons are what empower us to achieve. Without reasons, your life lacks meaning, feels empty and is characterized by lack. So first find outrepparttar real reasons you wish to succeed at any marketing or development venture. Find out why you wish to develop or market yourself, your business or your products and services. Why do you wish to do it? Your first answer may be 'to make a lot of money'. Ask yourself again. Why do you wish to have a lot of money? You may find that you would likerepparttar 121349 money to travel, invest, buy things, explore opportunities, have freedom, or make certain contributions. Make a written list of reasons why you wish to haverepparttar 121350 money. The reason you make this list is thatrepparttar 121351 world around you comes from your thoughts. Look at your life as it has been throughout your past. Remember alsorepparttar 121352 thoughts that used to preoccupy you in your past. Remember your dreams, fears, aspirations, and preoccupations. Do you see how strongly related your life has been to your th! oughts? You will notice a definite link. Life situations arise from images ofrepparttar 121353 mind. They arerepparttar 121354 mind expressed and manifested intorepparttar 121355 physical. Keep these reasons that you have listed above at all times. Keep these reasons in mind and let them form images. Play with these reasons, get into them, visualize and fantasize, get excited about them, and be grateful that they will definitely come true by universal law! Feel how it would feel if they all came true. In your mind, experience them as reality, and noticerepparttar 121356 quality ofrepparttar 121357 energy you would feel if they were they in your physical life now. Then always remember this feeling allrepparttar 121358 time. In other words, as you go throughout your day, feel as if you had accomplished all these reasons, and keep their vision in mind; this is what attracts them to you in your physical world. Right now, start beingrepparttar 121359 person you would be if you had already achieved your goals.

Step 2

Now let us get back to marketing and development. Why do people get paid? They get paid because of their knowledge. Why do you pay an electrician to fix your electrical items? Because he or she has knowledge on electrical items. Why do you not pay a doctor to fix your radio? Because a doctor does not have knowledge to fix radios. Here isrepparttar 121360 point: knowledge applied is what raises money in cash. It is what converts wealth consciousness into cash wealth. So what kind of knowledge gets paid for? Any knowledge that improves people's finances, health, relationships and happiness will earn money. Sorepparttar 121361 next step is to build knowledge, then find out how to apply it to makerepparttar 121362 improvements we just mentioned.

To begin with, ask yourself what it is you wish to accomplish. Do you wish to market an existing product? Do you wish to develop a new product? In what area? Be clear in your question to yourself. You may be broad or specific, as you wish, but be clear.

Once you haverepparttar 121363 question formulated clearly on paper and in your mind, it is time to fins out how to achieve your new goal, find your new solution, or discover your new marketing approach. There is no problem that does not have a solution already waiting for it! The way to make new discoveries is this way:

(a) Recognize that many new ideas are simply new arrangements of old information. Therefore, gather allrepparttar 121364 information you can on your subject of interest. This is a very important step and you must take it very seriously. Get together general and specific information about your area of interest. Open a new folder and put in material you get fromrepparttar 121365 web, magazines, people, books and so on. For example, if you are a BMW salesperson and you wish to discover new markets and find new ways to sell your BMWs, gather as much specific information as you can on BMW cars, their history, mechanics, and so on. Also, gather general information about cars, transportation, people, society, human behavior, safety, marketing, entertainment, and so on. Then, gather information about existing relationships between allrepparttar 121366 materials you have gathered (e.g. many people buy BMWs for their security and lifestyle appeal - that is an example of a relationship).


Written by Polly Hummingbird

When I first started setting up shop online I tried to do what everyone else was doing. I thought this would make my site, and my online activities, more "net-acceptable". But asrepparttar months went by, and I still had very little action, I decided to abandon this cooperative mode of behavior.

I began to do what I wanted to do onrepparttar 121348 Internet, in ways that I found pleasing. Even though I still followedrepparttar 121349 basic rules, I started doing things my own way.

I'll site you some examples.

Where most people set up banners or images that link to other sites onrepparttar 121350 web, I set up my banners to advertise my OWN webpages instead. These banners have no links, mind you, but they are super promoters.

Then I started to be more creative withrepparttar 121351 links that go to my other webpages. Instead of just having a little bit of underlined blue text saying "click here", I made my links nice and big and turned them into promo messages. Now they really get attention. Wow!

Many websites offer an email address atrepparttar 121352 bottom ofrepparttar 121353 webpage so that someone can make contact with them. How boring can you be! I got rid of that little "mailto" link and put a message form instead. Now a visitor can send a message to me, or my company, right there and then. Isn't that a terrific service?

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