Marketing Yourself Online: Freelancing 101

Written by Merle

Beforerepparttar widespread use ofrepparttar 121750 Internet, working for yourself was a much tougher undertaking than it is today. With over 13 million people claimingrepparttar 121751 status of "self employed," sites have sprung up online to fill this niche and offer help through a variety of services. >From helping you find work projects to offering advice, these sites can be a real asset to anyone striking out on their own.

Job categories range from writing, management, legal, Information Technology, marketing, and more. The primary focus of these "Business to Business" (B2B) sites is to match your skills with companies who have projects for someone with your talents. Some charge for membership, some are free, and some take a percentage of each job that is awarded (usually fromrepparttar 121752 employer).

Inrepparttar 121753 beginning, you'll need to fill out an online profile that specifies your experience, skill level, and sometimes allows you to list examples of your work.

Let's take a closer look at a few ofrepparttar 121754 bigger freelance sites:

1) Guru:

This is probablyrepparttar 121755 most popular, likely due to their large advertising budget. You'll find their ads on all ofrepparttar 121756 more popular PC Mags and pasted every- where online.

Like most of these services, you must first create a profile that details who you are and what you do. The site currently claims over 320,00 members with over 7,000 job listings. They also offer a variety of backend services such as articles, and an ezine and other goodies that will help you run your business more efficiently.

2) eLance:

This site is set up in an auction setting where you bid on projects that interest you. Use of an online rating system allows buyers and sellers to make comments about each other which are than publicly shared. eLance covers all business categories you can possibly think of

Why Residual Income Is Smart Money - And Ways You Can Earn It

Written by Marty Foley

Residual income (also called passive, or recurring income) is income that continues to be generated afterrepparttar initial effort has been expended. Compare this to what most of us focus on earning: linear income, which is one-shot compensation or payment inrepparttar 121749 form of a fee, wage, commission or salary.

Linear income is directly proportional torepparttar 121750 number of hours expended (40 hrs. of pay for 40 hrs. of work). One ofrepparttar 121751 great advantages of residual income is that once things are set in motion, you continue making money from your initial efforts, while gaining time to devote to other things... such as generating more streams of residual income!

There are a variety of ways residual income can be earned. Following are some examples.

1) Transferrepparttar 121752 rights to a book you wrote, a software program you created, a gadget you invented, or a song you recorded, to a company that agrees to pay you a percentage of each copy of your work sold inrepparttar 121753 future.

2) Become an actor and draw residual income from each of your movies, TV shows, or commercials, each time they run.

3) Let an oil company drill a well on your property in exchange for a percentage ofrepparttar 121754 revenue.

4) Purchase an office building or other real estate that earns you recurring income through lease or rental payments.

The above ways of earning residual income generally aren't that easy to implement. Following are some that are more attainable forrepparttar 121755 average person:

5) Maintain a savings and investment program that pays you residual income inrepparttar 121756 form of interest or dividends.

6) Market your own products and/or services that lend themselves to repeat sales.

I'm referring to products or services that are regularly used or consumed, and that must be purchased over and over again.

A product or service that you create only once, but sell over and over again, could also be categorized as a form of residual income (although continual effort may be required in marketing it).

Don't have your own product or service that lends itself to repeat sales? Considerrepparttar 121757 next two options for earning residual income...

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