Marketing Students: 5 Guidelines For Your Final Paper

Written by Otilia Otlacan

Get motivated! ('Why do I write this paper?")

This is a basic question with a not-so-basic answer. In order for a job to be done well – and your dissertation paper is, in fact, a job to be performed – you should give yourself time to figure out why you will do it and get yourself motivated. No motivation – no job quality, any professional can confirm that. Here are some possible answers torepparttar motivational question:

- Because it is a must – if you do not do it, you do not graduate;

- Because, if done with responsibility, it is an excellent opportunity to stand out fromrepparttar 141605 crowd and your peers –repparttar 141606 Marketing job market gets busier with every day;

- Because you can practice your research skills while being directed and supervised by professionals (eg. your university professors);

- Because it could be a starting point for your career.

We all knowrepparttar 141607 more you think about it,repparttar 141608 more answers you can find. Once you have your motivational level raised, you will surely want to start your paper right away.

Choose your subject ("What should I write about?")

Allow yourself plenty of time to think what subject you would like to pick for your paper. In some cases, your professors already have a list of subjects from where you can choose one but sometimes they would happily accept your own subject, providing it is of interest and you convince them of your reasons. Considerrepparttar 141609 following, before you go for a subject or another:

- "Marketing" is a broad field – which of its aspects do you feel more interested into, and more comfortable discussing about? Do you recall any particular course / chapter / subject that raised your interest at a time?

- Why would your subject be of importance and who would be your auditorium?

- Is your subject researchable? Is there any academic literature base onrepparttar 141610 subject?

- Do you think you can come up with a personal contribution torepparttar 141611 subject?

- Do you see yourself developing that topic further on?

- Can you name at least a couple of persons who can guide you? Would they be willing to do that for you?

Documentation, documentation and... documentation

"Documentation" is a magic key for any successful paper. Student or acknowledged professional, once you made up your mind aboutrepparttar 141612 subject ofrepparttar 141613 paper, most of your efforts will be directed (or should be directed) towards documentation. Depending on your subject, on your knowledge and your search capabilities, you might want to start with this even 1 – 2 years prior to raduation date, in order to have enough time to collect and review as much information as possible.

Major information resources: libraries, bookshops, internet, newspapers and magazines (consider subscribing to main specialized magazines in your field!), university printings, company exhibitions and presentations.

10 Shocking Ways To Super-Charge Your Sales

Written by Eugenijus

1. Test different web site color themes to see which

combination will sell your product better. You can

also testrepparttar size and style of your web site text.

2. Promise your readers an end result or outcome

in your ad. You must give them a solid g.uarantee

that your product will solve their problem.

3. Never assume people believerepparttar 141538 information in

your ad copy. You need to back-up all your claims

with indisputable evidence.

4. Give your customers free shipping. If you can't

afford that, you can give free shipping to customers

that buy over a certain dollar amount to raise profits.

5. Test your web site regularly for ordering glitches,

bad links, broken graphics, etc. Those types of

errors will make your business look unprofessional.

6. Use free advertising as much as possible. Test a

wide variety of free advertising options like banner

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